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  • Selective? Homie what. I asked you to just explain what you mean. Then when I did you spoke for everyone and said they all get it and I don't. The fact that THE VERY FIRST reply to your thread was questioning loadout is really all you should have needed to be like, you know, I think this is a valid point. I'm really trying…
  • Everyone else understood but me? Well what about the first guy who replied? Also, all these other comments... thats just from page 1... You don't need to make things easy for me. You need to make clear to everyone what is going on in your head. We can't read your mind. It's just called due diligence man. I'm totally down…
  • * -"The killer is using their best perks."- .... You need to define exact perks. "Best" is subjective. Please list the exact perks that you have in mind if you want to be so strict about your own criteria. You might as well have not written this line, cuz without the perks it's the same to anyone that isn't you * -"The…
  • I gotta say, I'm not a fan there are lines at all. No one talks in DbD, or no one did. I would have preferred it stay that way. It is an odd direction.
  • I gotta say, I'm not a fan there are lines at all. No one talks in DbD, or no one did. I would have preferred it stay that way. It is an odd direction.
  • You're ignoring the OP i think. I know what it means, you know what it means, the OP does not. He complained about how he couldnt make in all his matches cuz of work. So he missed, and now you've missed what it means somewhere along the line. Once again I'll bring up: he was not available during all the time that was…
  • Are you... are you serious? Your instructions were very clear. Were you available ALL of the time that was clearly documented ahead of time?? No. No you weren't. You shouldn't have signed up in the first place if you couldn't even make the VERY FIRST obligation. "Directives Be available to play your matches on November 8th…