We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • This sounds like hot garbage. Trickster is fine as he is currently, like zero reason to be looking at him right now out of all killers.
  • "Fun perk from back then" LMFAO. Yea man because running into 4 man DH lobbies in 90% of my games with a free value, impossible to counter chase extender sure was fun.
  • This is such a weird thing to complain about??? Dawg at that point just remove the lobby. Hell, remove any social aspect to differentiate people from bots. The queue just insta starts the game, in game everyone is just named after the character, and once the game ends you just get insta sent to the lobby like? What…
  • The no warning one is something I've asked for since it released. It just telling survivors that's its on, leads to them never taking a pallet. Not to mention, you can't even use it to hit someone right before they go over a pallet to break it. It's based off injuring survivors even with the 3 second activation, by the…
  • You don't need to make it the STRONGEST strat but make it a viable strat flat out, at all. Because it isn't. There's no basekit incentive to go for multi hooking.
  • I don't see it as opinion because 90% of the gen perks either than oppression and jolt are flat out objectively in the worst state they've ever been in. They are all hard nerfed. And like I said with jolt, the problem with jolt is that it's useless on M2 killers and useless on most maps. Survivors once they figure out you…
  • See my thing with skeletons is, if I need to be directly inside of the person to hit them with it, I might as well just swing. It isn't like trickster or huntress where it's encouraged to go up close and still use M2 because huntress can follow up that first M2 quickly with another M2 while they are still relatively close.…
  • Talking about "adapt" brother. There is no adapting. It's called tunnel and slug to win consistently, or don't. What's bogus and disingenuous is acting like multihooking is anything other than garbage time wasting.
  • Multi hooking is not how the game was designed to play. Again, IT IS A DETRIMENT TO MULTI HOOK. You are letting 4 survivors live to do gens. There is a reason, multi hooking has always been the worst way to play. That is the objective truth. Killers tunnel because there is no other choice. Killers slug because there is no…
  • Idek why people play him so much. Is his dash that oppressive against lower mmr players or something? Feels hilariously easy to dodge and make useless unless they know his convoluted techs.
  • But none of what you said disproves the fact that multi hooking (the way the game SHOULD be played and the healthiest way) is completely and absolutely the worst way to play as killer as there are zero incentives to do it outside of very few perks which even then, it's still not enough. There are no basekit benefits to…
  • There's no use using any of the other 28988434 regression perks when only 1 of them is good… Yea during it's peak… after it got omega buffed? That isn't an incapacitation problem. It doesn't give ANY info, you can't physically see the aura reading 90% of the time lmfao. If survivor auras and gen auras were different colors…
  • "Don't tunnel or slug so hard" The only other option is multi hooking which has been, is currently, and forever will be the single biggest detriment to killer gameplay until they add any actual rewarding feature to it.
  • Eruption having a 8-10 second incapacitation would not be some hard meta perk, and if it was it would be because everything else sucks. The same way pop is right now. Pop sucks, but because everything else sucks more, it still sees play. Hell make the regress on it 8% for all I care, anything to give it a useful aspect…
  • That's tunneling. That isn't multi hooking. There is no reason to multi hook. And it's this thing called "time". It takes time to hook and do that, as opposed to creating pressure through just… slugging. Not to mention if you hook, you're now giving survivors access to insane perks.
  • It's not hyperbole and no that isn't my idea of a strong perk jesus christ. Dude, think. This is the OBJECTIVE TRUTH. Every gen regression perk is WEAKER than past iterations. Every single one. CoB is useless unless you multi stack it. Overcharge is useless unless you multi stack it. Eruption is meh at best, unless you…
  • I mean he's bad as in every power except mage hand is awful. Again, I understand 4 power needing to be weaker, but when only one of them is even remotely useful and on top of that you just give survivors multiple gadgets to combat the killer, then you have a problem.
  • It's not hyperbole. It's fact. Hyperbole would be saying omg every single killer perk in the game is abysmal and unusable. The gen perks being bad, is a FACT. They've been nerfed constantly, every single one of them. And to answer your question… none. There are no "strong" regression perks, every regression perk in the…
  • Those aren't incentives. I am talking about BASE GAME incentives. There's zero reason to go for multi hooking. And even then the only scourge hook even remotely worth using is pain res and even THEN scourge hook RNG can make it so the perk for that entire game is just useless.
  • I don't see how that's any different but if you prefer gen blocking then sure. I'll gladly take that. Although like I said, I'll gladly take even an 8-10 second incapacitation over aura reading.
  • Well I don't much care for people who aren't open to discussion or other opinions so you have fun with that.
  • None of that has to do with incapacitation though. The problem was all of those buffs stacking on each other. Call of brine getting introduced, overcharge rework, eruption buff, unlimited pain res, faster gen kick, base gen percentage, etc etc. The REAL problem with 3 genning started when they introduced killers like…
  • I already said you could make the incapacitation a shorter timer. I don't know why we keep bringing up the length of time as if that needs to hold it back. I've said 12 seconds, hell 10 seconds. Hell, EIGHT seconds would be better than even 15 second aura reading on this perk, because it is THAT useless of a feature. And I…
  • Please think slowly for 3 seconds. People bring pain res and PGTW every match still because gen regression perks are still a requirement to consistently win and guess what… those are the 2 best perks available. That doesn't make gen regression perks good, that just makes those 2 the LEAST worst options. I'll repeat: CoB is…
  • Gen regression perks in general need buffs. They're all terrible. They've pretty much all been nerfed to uselessness. CoB is terrible, overcharge is terrible, jolt sucks on most of the maps, pop is nerfed back to it's useless -20%, pain res is a shadow of what it used to be, ruin has been terrible since they made it only…
  • It's not even a solid perk anymore. Eruption is a detriment to use with the 3 gen changes that happened a while back and the aura reading does nothing.
  • And again I repeat. This literally only became a problem when they increased the incapacitated timer, by nearly 10 SECONDS. Pre-buff eruption never had this problem. No one cared about 16 second incapacitated and I even suggested lower than that at 12 seconds. Something that would actually make the perk not entirely…
  • It didn't counter an entire sub section of killer perks because getting tokens was hilariously easy. You could have at least one token permanently all game, it was not difficult at all. And people played that game before with just BBQ and Chilli because people weren't spamming distortion so BBQ and Chilli would still work.
  • It comes down to hooking being a bigger detriment than it is a help. You have to waste time doing the hook, and then you just automatically give survivors access to insane perks which they can actively use to impede you because you decided to hook. Multi hooking has always been a detriment hence why tunneling was always a…
  • And I'm saying them spamming aura reading perks is better and healthier than them spamming gen perks. You should be happy. Also aura reading doesn't just auto equal free downs.
  • I would say I feel bad but I genuinely couldn't care less. Distortion users now have to actually play the game like everyone else. Can you argue there is an abundance of aura perks? Sure. But there should not be a perk like distortion that FOR FREE, countered an entire subsection of killer perks. Every aura perk was…
  • Distortion is easily the best change, now distortion users have to actually… play the game like everyone else.
  • Good start but even then you might need more. Multi hooking has been a detriment to killer gameplay for years atp, it needs more than pop or BBQ basekit to catch up. There's never a reason to not tunnel, except now it's gotten to the point where there is barely a point to hooking at all. Doesn't help when they actively…
  • The solution is too give reasons for killers to actually hook, not to buff survivors to the point of making one of the only viable ways to win as killer, completely obsolete.
  • How about solving the real problem and WHY killers slug? Hooking is a bigger detriment than it is a benefit for the killer and it provides no actual incentive to do it. It's why tunneling is such a big strat because there's literally no reason to multi hook. It provides nothing. There's certain perks sure, but that's not…