Can't, I'm below 1,000,000 again
Ah okay thank you both! I agree although they did say that the reason they have a cap is because people stop playing after they've achieved what they have :D
Given the community feedback on the change, are you going revert this change or increase time taken to complete generators? Some maps are simply too big (Red Forest, Temple of Purgation and Rotten Fields to name a few) and they take in excess of 40 seconds to walk across for some Killers and Ruin was an absolute necessity.…
I've got no problem with them being aura reading like with that new key addon that shows the obsession if you're using it. Only a skeleton key should be able to use Blood Amber and has a timer of 25 seconds Purple Keys need to be 20 seconds. Green Keys need to be 15 seconds. Keep the aura reading intact, remove their…
Slight increase to gen timers? Are you okay? Each gen should take 20-30 seconds more as standard. Instaheals should work overtime and keys shouldn't be able to open the hatch. You're seriously thinking a tiny increase to gen timers will make up for the efficiency of SWFs in red ranks??? YOU WANT KILLERS TO BE RAN OVER BY…
Yeah, they'll play Spirit because she will be the only other viable killer in the game. You'd have a different attitude if played the game at red ranks as Killer vs SWFs. You simply do not have a chance to contend them by playing the other Killers.
I like the idea of Dull Totems being hightlighted in white however I had an idea that something like that would be for a perk. No clue on the name because I am useless at name creation but it would highlight Dull Totems and have the ability for you to light a dull totem into the hex perk you brought (Or one of your…
Honestly that'd be interesting to try in the PTB, I'd think it may be too powerful with The Third Seal once all are hit but yeah it's not a bad idea to try! My ideas are just that - ideas, I'd love to try anything like that because I do agree blindness is kinda trash.