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  • I can 3 hook 3 survivors and the remainder is a 2 hook, 1 gen left and still not receive it... He's already bad, his 3 bad perks do nothing spectacular, 110 movespeed. The guy has it rough and yet we're supposed to just accept that for an achievement? Yes he's getting buffs, but the sheer amount of work/ bad survivors…
  • The portaits and hook counter are the only needed things, idk how a UI TEAM doesnt understand that you stick it in a simple compact zone to stop it looking busy and distracting... its basic ui design... All the had to do was update the current one.
  • Good. They need to learn that the community is what makes the game. You piss them off, ignore them and then expect them to give you money is not how this works. If they lose out and the game dies, thats on them. You dont skimp out on HALLOWEEN as a ######### horror game and expect that to fly. Utter clowns.
  • Excuse you? GENEROUSITY? You do know what company you're talking about? The ones that lock skins and charge more? The ones that are now not giving skins for HALLOWEEN y'know? The biggest event for a HOROR GAME, that they gave free skins for playing previously? The sheer GREED is showing and yet they think a cost reduction…
  • Every map they they've redone is the same ######### colours with one or two texture difference. There's no variety. Every realm had a colour theme to them. MacMillan had blue main buildings, now its as grey/brown as every other map.
  • Yeah but its no fun getting no bp for it. 10k for destroying this kid only to depip and get no rewards feels awful.
  • And yet she was rank 6, I just dont get it, why have a rank system if anyone can climb regardless of actual skill. You shouldn't get a pip for doing nothing but gens and rescues, because once you do get chased you get downed fast and it ######### the rest of the team. Even in red ranks I get other reds that cant do chases but…
  • Im not on about me, but forcing players to bring ds and bt every game is so dull but without changes its forced. I have no idea what was happening but all I saw was her Wraith sitting in front of her and the other 2 trying to save her. saying git gud bring x y z perks isnt an answer, its just a bandaid on a bigger problem…
  • I don't like the new direction either, why should I pay MORE for a skin with LESS customisation? I get if it's a themed skin like some of Cheryl's, but the Nea one? It's down to laziness of the devs with greed for more money. Don't like it, don't buy it, but as the consumers we are allowed to air our concerns/dislikes.
  • Deathslinger, the meta build for him makes him a ranged tier 1 Myers. Not fun and neither is the lack of a penalty for missing when they all run the reload speed add-on. PH is a close second for the same reason. Stealth range killers... Just why?
  • Yeah everyone is commenting on it, idk how when you ######### it up this bad
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