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  • the pinky change is a complet nerf and makes the whole buffs worthless cuz no usecase anymore i have no idea why they didnt do a sidegrad like the brand new part so hard cap 3 bottles like atm the suvs can see better trough the smoke and everything is fine but with one bottle nearly every loop is dead and so i enjoy the…
  • New killers play against new suvs u cant use that as an argument😂 new killer dont face suvs which are familiar with the game
  • U picking one player and see this as a proof that every killer player is doing win streaks with seberak hundreds of wins pls get some knowledge into statistics and if u really think killer is op and u can win every game: play killer and show us all how easy killer is ;)
  • U got: basekit bt u got anti 3gen cuz most of the suvs are not able to notice in which order u have to do gens u got OTR u got DS (which is still strong if u move near a window and go there down on purpose u got strong maps with pallets over paletts u got the game/palett city since 3 years without any rework u got buckle…
  • its really simple: suvs try to do gens in an intelligent way (from inside to the corners of the map) (for those who are unable to notice that strategy on their own we got the anti 3gen mechanic now :) suvs try to run as many rounds as they can around a palett befor they drip it suvs try to finish the gen which is 95% done…
  • Why suvs cry for otr basekit? just take it with u and u have still 3 perls for ur free choice killers also habe to pick at least one gen regression perk… maybe try to look on ur 4 perkslots like a portfolio and u can choose the focus of ur portfolio u are afraid of tunneling? Take oft and ds u wanna rush gens? Take proof…
  • The game the fact that this map hasnt been bala ced for years is just sad everybody names this map „palett paradies“ and the devs dont do anything about balancing it in a fair way
  • 1) sorry but the killer decides which lobby he wants to play so if u hide ur prestige level we killer plays only get much more picky cuz of ither information in the pre lobby fun fact about ur experiences: u cant tell exactly why the killer tunnels u. I also run a p100 feng and dont have that high tunnel experience. In…
  • pls stop the double standard if u work on a gen do u complete the gen only until u reached 33% or do u finish the gen up to 100% tunneling is the same on the other side :) its really that easy
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