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  • I appreciate the suggestions, but there has to be a better way to counter than the fake pickup and looking around. Survivors who bring Background Player can easily swoop in from far away to counter those tactics. The main problem is that looking straight up, which counters flashlight blinds, should also counter flashbangs…
  • I play solo q because all my friends who started playing the game with me quit because of how overwhelming the game is for new players. You really have to be committed if you want to learn and be decent at this game. It is NOT friendly for new/casual players, and it only gets more overwhelming with every new chapter.
  • This was one of the worst ideas that BHVR has had in a long time. Did someone at BHVR forget that they specifically created a feature to avoid repeat maps because nobody likes playing the same maps over and over and over again? This was a real head-scratcher of a decision. I guess based on Steamcharts numbers it hasn't…
  • I don't think anything is going to change with the program. BHVR has a long history of doing things that either nobody was asking for, or making and keeping changes in the game way too long despite overwhelming negative feedback. I really have no hope that these types of things aren't going to happen anymore, or even…
  • The killer is supposed to be the power role. Escaping is supposed to be difficult. Any expectation of higher than 40% escape rate is just entitlement, IMHO. There’s a very good reason that the devs set 40% as the target escape rate. Anything above that and killers become punching bags for survivor entertainment, which is…
  • I really, really dislike the boosted maps. How the devs thought this was a good idea is beyond me. I got so sick of playing RPD that I’ve stopped playing altogether for the past few days. Seems like a pretty terrible way to encourage higher player counts during the anniversary event.
  • I'm getting RPD a ton as well. About half my matches. It's super annoying, and seeing other comments about it confirms that it's likely intentional. I don't know what the devs' motivation is for boosting it so much.
  • I'm getting RPD about half the time in regular mode. Super annoying. Whatever feature that is supposedly in place to prevent this is obviously broken. What a shocker…
  • If I'm playing killer and I know that I'm going up against a 3/4-man SWF team, I'm absolutely going to dodge. Why would I want to knowingly go into a match where the other side has an unfair advantage if I don't have to?
  • There is no counter. Killer players just have to suck it up and deal with it, I guess. It's very frustrating, but like with every other issue in this game, it's not going to get attention unless enough people complain about it and/or stop playing until it gets resolved.
  • So I assume that when you play survivor, you take your time, explore the map a bit, do some totems, open some chests, and casually get gens done at your leisure so as not to make the killer think you're trying too hard to win, right? If you don't play that way, and you try to get gens done as quickly as possible, don't…
  • It's not cheating any more than coordinating with your friends on comms is cheating. I understand that the devs have specifically said that using comms is allowed, but this is pretty new and I expect that, if asked, they would say the same thing about this technology because there's no way for them to prevent its use, just…
  • What is BHVR supposed to do about this? Is there any game in existence that forces you to try if you don't want to?
  • It does make sense when you realize that most people, including myself, still consider her to be one of the most miserable and unfun killers to play against. You may disagree, but I think you're in the minority.
  • People don't hate her of players who abused a mechanic in the past. They hate her because, even after her changes, she's still miserable to play against. You may love her, especially in the killer role, but most survivor players do not feel the same way. You play whatever killer you like, but just keep in mind that most…
  • I don't think it's a problem with servers as much as BHVR just not doing anything about people playing with high pings (whether it's because they're on VPN or just have bad internet connections). I wish they would enforce ping limits in lobbies, but I know that they won't. Plenty of people are still playing the game and…
  • I haven't seen much tunneling at all lately. Definitely more of an exception than a rule, at least in my solo q survivor matches. By far my biggest problem has been terrible, useless teammates that refuse to touch gens or immediately give up the first time they get downed.
  • I find it uninteresting and uncreative. I'd rather just try out individual perks on my own in the standard game. There's really nothing new or exciting here.
  • I can say that personally for me I don't get excited about new content, and it's not just specific to this new chapter. I don't have time to play dozens of hours a week like many devoted players do. So the game feels more and more overwhelming to me with the release of every new chapter. Increasingly complicated killers to…
  • They don't have to do anything new. Tons of people are still playing the game and spending money on it. Honestly, what is their incentive to do anything other than crank out new content and skins? Unless people stop playing because of all the things that have been promised in the past that never got done, there's no reason…
  • That's an absolutely fair criticism of BHVR - it does take them forever to do anything. But they can afford to take forever. There's no competition against them in the asymmetrical horror game genre. Despite bugs galore with every patch, serious game balance issues, and taking forever to make any changes, a lot of people…
  • The only people who are upset about the change are the ones who relied on guaranteed free hits at pallet loops to win matches.
  • I haven't had any performance issues recently, but I have a newer PC setup (4070 Ti Super, i7 14700K). Does this affect people with older hardware more?
  • This is nothing new. It has always taken BHVR forever to fix anything. The reason is really quite simple - they don't have to fix anything quickly. There is no competition for this game and they aren't losing significant numbers of players - so what's the incentive for them fix things quickly? The only thing that will…
  • By the way, I'm glad I'm not the only one complaining about this. The sad thing is that nothing will be done about it unless a large number of players quit playing the game, which apparently hasn't happened yet.
  • Not this one. BHVR seems to have no problem with it
  • Yes, there would be lobby shopping. as there absolutely should be to ensure you don't get into a ######### match where you are getting hit 10 feet past a window. I don't expect BHVR to do anything about it because they don't have to - plenty of people still play the game despite this problem that has been around for year.…
  • I agree it looks terrible for BHVR. But let's be honest - they've looked bad on so many things over the years yet people are still playing the game. So while we can all complain about how stupid this is, they're not going to do anything differently because players are still playing and money is still coming in.
  • Any game is going to get old and boring after playing it that long. Maybe it's time to play another game for a while. You might miss DbD and come back someday.
  • What platform are you on and what server region? I play on PC in US Eastern time zone and not having any issues now. Last week I was getting booted from the servers constantly, but every match today was fine.
  • I agree it's unacceptable, but people still play the game, so from BHVR's perspective there's no downside to handling things this way.
  • Played a few matches today (US Eastern Time Zone) and everything seemed fine (other than the usual solo q teammates who refuse to touch gens - that's a whole different problem!). No performance issues that I could notice. Last week just about every match I played had the server kick me out, always right near the end of the…
  • I don't think they "only" fix things for money, but I think it's definitely the primary driver of their decision-making. It is a for-profit business, after all. Spending resources on things that have zero impact on retaining or bringing in new players is simply a waste. The only things that are going to get urgent…
  • If you don't bring at least a couple meta perks, the likely results of the match will be all 4 survivors t-bagging you at the exit gate. It's an unfortunate reality of the current state of the game. Fun, chill matches don't exist anymore.
  • How do you know more survivors are quitting the game?
  • Coordination on comms providing a ton of free perks and info to the survivor team
  • The fact that this is being complained about just proves to me that UW got exactly the treatment it deserved
  • If by "worst killer" you mean "most annoying and miserable to go against because mend simulator matches last 45 minutes", then I completely agree
  • The hits 10 feet past the window have been going on for eternity, and it's because BHVR won't implement ping limits in lobbies. It seems like having a requirement of low latency to join a public match would easily solve the problem, but what I am wondering is this: could someone turn on a VPN to get high ping after a match…
  • I haven't had rubberbanding, but have been getting booted from servers just about every match. Usually right at the end of the game when I've already invested a bunch of time playing , only to get booted and have no BP or XP in return for my time invested. I don't know how Steam has so many players in-game now - maybe…
  • The game is supposed to be balance around approximately 2 escapes in most matches. So even if you play well as killer, you're still going to get to endgame and NOED will activate in many of your matches. It doesn't only activate if killer plays especially poorly. Based on your snarky comment, you seem to think that NOED…
  • I've had constant issues today, but not with low FPS. Just constant server crashes. Either hackers are crashing the servers in-game when they are losing (the timing of the crashes has been very suspect - typically happens when I'm about to down or hook someone), or there's a major problem with the servers I play on. Either…
  • I haven't had rubber-banding, just constant server crashes. Either hackers are crashing the servers in-game when they are losing (the timing of the crashes has been very suspect - typically happens when I'm about to down or hook someone), or there's a major problem with the servers I play on. Either way, I'm done until…
  • Getting healed immediately off the hook at endgame to ensure a free escape was insanely broken. This nerf was well-deserved and a long time coming. The only people whining about this are those who got spoiled with undeserved escapes for years and years.
  • Just tried to play tonight and it happened again. Something is broken and I refuse to play again until it's fixed.
  • I agree that killers have other tools to find survivors, but here's where I still have an issue with how accessibility is handled: I'm glad that BHVR helped out survivor players that have trouble hearing, but they gave all survivors (whether they have accessibility needs or not) a pretty substantial buff with the visual…
  • Killers that make me want to leave the game (but I don't - it's against the rules!). In order of most miserable to play against: Pinhead (I play solo queue, and basically it's automatic win for Pinhead when there's no voice comm coordination) Skull Merchant (no explanations required) Legion (by far the longest and most…
  • The game is balanced around solo q. Average escape rate is about 40%, which is what the devs have said is their target escape rate. Killer should be slightly favored, which kind of makes sense for a horror game. The problem is that balancing around solo q means that good SWF teams have an unfair advantage that breaks this…
  • Definitely SM (because obviously) and probably Pinhead too. He's OP against solo queue and easily beatable with SWF - he needs a power than doesn't heavily depend on whether you can communicate with your team on comms. I can see the argument for Freddy rework too. For all other killers, not complete rework, just buffing…
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