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  • They nerfed Chucky because it was too easy for him to abuse the scamper and get a lot of free hits. Its nerf is right. After the nerf he will require a bit of actual skill.
    in May 2024 nerfs? Comment by IamFran May 9
  • Every perk which is too strong of not used for its intented purpose should be nerfed.
  • It is still a bad perk, mostly for the permanent broken status afterward, and also if the perk beome popular the killers will just start to use Territorial Imperative which is a hard counter for the invocation.
  • It is funny that you say "It's a survivor perk. It does a thing that benefits survivors. That makes it OP" when in the same patch a bunch of meta killer perks are also being nerfed.
  • Is the best argument in an asymetric game period.
  • There are a good argument. It is one player against four, killer need some pre game advantages. And the reason why survivors can't see the killer is pretty obvious, Survivors would make builds around the killers they're going to face and that would be unfair. For example all survivors equiping Calm Spirit if they see…
  • Removing the struggle won't solve nothing, if the struggle is removed then the survivors who want to leave will go and look for the killer to be hooked again and leave.
  • I agree with the Ghostface thing, one of the most annoying killers to play against. You have to be turning the camera all the time to avoid being marked and a lot of times when you spot him is too late and you are marked anyway. In closed maps he is directly unbearable.
  • All the exhaustion perks should be usable only once after a hook state (like dead hard) + one more time before being hooked at the start of the match. /runs
  • Considering your ideas, I think a perk for survivor which combine both things would be a good idea, as a "risk and reward" perk. Smaller skill checks in the hook but everytime you hit the skill check the bleeding progression is stopped for 4 seconds or so. I also consider this perk a great idea because the current anti…
  • If you are using it for taking advantage it can be considered "light cheating". If you use it for reducing annoying sounds (survivor screams for example) then it is not cheating. It is the same as the ReShade filters. I use ReShade for increasing the brightness a bit (only a bit for not losing the terror atmosphere,…
  • The best thing of Adrenaline is that gives you a free health state and it remains the same, well, not when you are unhooked, but it had no sense at all.
  • Overtuned in fact. The easiest projectile killer and also having teleports. Hitting through walls is lame. You have to stare at him for ages for removing the power, colliding with objects in the proccess unless you are lucky and spawn in a low cluttered map. I despise him tbh.
  • BHVR Interactive if they were based.
  • Invocation is one of the worst perks in the game. Every perk is in the game for being used if the player please but I can understand some people getting angry when someone is using a perk which is detrimental for the team. Invocation is like No Mither but worse, you are practically useless until you finish the invocation…
  • It is not overrated. It is very good and "mandatory" in the two chainsaw killers, in Myers it is good because synergizes with its power and in Wraith it is good because synergizes with Shadow Dance addons. Aside those killers almost nobody use Bamboozle.
  • I usually stay close to the gates for opening the gates and tanking a hit when other team mates go to unhook. If the unhook fails then I leave, I only go to unhook if the success is almost guaranteed. When there are NOED and/or the killer is a good camper I leave. Some time ago I used to go for risky saves, but a lot of…
  • I play in PC and I want it to be removed. It seems that none of us have what we want, haha. I don't care the possibility of saying "gg" tbh, removing the possibility of insulting/crying is more important.
  • 50% killrate is "balanced" but not good for the game. 60% kill rate means that sometimes three or four escape and sometimes three or four are killed, it is in the sweetspot between too many 4K and too many 4 escapes, 10% extra of kill rate over 50% is not that bad. Balancing the game for a 50% killrate means that a lot of…
  • The word "tunneling" is a reference to "tunnel vision" which is term that means focusing only in one thing and ignoring everything else, so if you are not actively focusing an objetive but by chance you see the objetive again and hook him/her then you are not tunneling, it is as simple as that, it is not debatable because…
  • No, if you are not actively looking for the unhooked survivor after he has been unhooked is not tunneling, you have seen him again. I'm not going to ignore the first survivor I see after a hook just because he is the same I hooked recently.
  • Some people call tunneling to things which are not tunneling. Tunneling is actively looking for the unhooked survivor to down him again. Being unhooked and the killer seeing you again before other survivors and hooking you again is not tunneling, he just saw you again. Using the endurance effect to protect the survivor who…
  • In my case, I don't get why some people in this post want Jack Baker, he is not appealing in any sense, arguably one of the less charismatics and less memorable villains in RE franchise.
  • Map offerings is one of the worst things in the game for me too. Using map offerings for exploiting unbalanced maps. Also why should everyone go to a map because just one player want to? When a survivor put a map offering it is usually for a survivor sided maps but it doesn't mean that the rest of survivors want to play…
  • I never experienced it because I started to play in 2018, but I'm glad it doesn't exist now. It add to the horror atmosphere and it is cool, but the trade off is nerfing Myers which is already a weak killer, not a good deal imo.
  • Gen rush still exist. There are still plenty people wanting to repair ASAP without interacting with the killer, with BNP and/or Prove Thyself despite both were nerfed. Is gen rush less effective than before? Yes. Does gen rush still exist? Also yes. Try some killers whose need setup time like trapper without Corrupt…
  • That have been the forum meta since the begining (well at least since January 2019 when I registered). The only changing thing are the perks and killers they complain about.
  • Tunneling and camping have been hot topics at least since I started playing (october 2018).
  • I think you are right, for some reason Chucky and also Ghostface tend to be the most toxic players, when the camping Bubba died those two took the throne.
  • That's the reason why I usually have a break after an event with a lot of BP bonus. After seeing high numbers during several days/weeks you feel underwhelmed when you see only 25-50k at the end of the match. Takes time to get used to the small numbers again, haha.
  • I didn't like that matchmaking because I had to de-rank several times every moth because as soon as you reach purple ranks you start to get full premades and sweaty players.
  • I won't waste my time watching a video with such takes, honestly. The sense of acomplishment still exist, because the 0 pips will still exist, so when you earn one or two you still have the feeling. "immature gamers"? The most immature is the one who think that "punishing" you for things out of your control is good (solo…
  • I think he is the trapper. More Banners and icons for trapper are welcome, our old Evan is still one of my mains, there are never enough Evan MacMillan stuff.
  • Good change. In fact I was surprised when realized that they didn't nerf Infantry Belt when they buffed the huntress. Carrying that amount of hatchets is insane.
  • Way more fun that the previous dark mode. My only gripe is that the BP amount you get is tiny. I just killed three of the four survivors in one match and I only got 22k BP with the 150% bonus.
  • This even would have more sense with the Armored Titan skin, but can't be used.
    in What is this? Comment by IamFran April 1
  • Honestly the only "High Risk High Reward" Hexes are Devour Hope, Crowd Control and Blood Favour. The rest of hexes are "High Risk Mid Reward" with the exception of NOED which is "Low Risk High Reward".
  • A teleport which is so slow that let the survivor in the generator reach the Antipodes before Freddy spawn. He is a 115 but he has a frequent slowdown when placing traps in chase (which is the best way of using them). Seeing someone who thinks that Freddy is ok is one of the last things I expected to see in the forum. 🤣
  • It is not OP, it is good,specially in small maps or maps with several floors, but it is inconsistent and random, you have to down a survivor near an advanced generator which don't always happen. It also was indirectly nerfed when the anti-3gen mechanic was released.
  • "Some Survivors WILL be better than you, and that's completely okay!" The problem is that in The Game (the map, not the game itself haha) if you are playing an M1 killer even if you are better than them they still can win you unless they're utterly bad. A lot of pallets and most of them being safe or god pallets, you can…
  • Understandable. M1 killer in The Game, a map filled with pallets and most of them being safe or god pallets, only one gen left and one hook. At least she didn't dc and let you farm more blood points by breaking totems, finishing the last gen and escaping.
  • Because I don't like to play against bots.
  • Considering how unpopular is the opinion of nerfing that aberration you are brave for writing this post, but I'm with you. I stopped using it because I know it will be nerfed eventually and it should be a pain get used to be carried by a perk and suddenly becoming useless.
  • I stopped playing her due this. She is one of the few killers who I can play really chill and still get decent results also I love her aestetically. But the amount of DCs caused by the herd mentality is out of hand. Also, as I said recently in other thread, when playing survivor I prefer facing her than hag or blight.…
  • Ultimate weapon nerf was needed, too strong, easy to use and a pain when it was in combo with Dead Man's Switch. Now it is even more fun perk, survivors won't know that you are using it unless they're using Distortion or the smarter ones figuring it. The only thing I don't like is its new 60 seconds cooldown, 45 would be…
  • It was stupid and made people who don't play a lot to never reach the Iridiscent Grades (my case). Losing pips had sense when there was a rank system tied to the matchmaking, after that it just made reaching Iri 1 a slog and also having a bad match will feel way less painful after the change.