Solamente dire esto: De superviviente es extremadamente dificil al inicio, pero despues es muy facil (Si hablamos de ti mismo porque hay que recordar que hay 3 personas mas que no son tu y generalmente son malos) De killer es extremadamente dificil despues (rangos rojos): porque te tocan supervivientes que conocen muy bien…
It is something curious but I have not had toxic killers, if I have played with ranks 1 that beat us in 2 seconds, but if they are toxic, they are not That's why I always refer to survivors, I've seen them hundreds of times
I just laugh because what you say seems to me so little sense, something like my English HAHA. The matchmaking is bad END.
I'll just laugh and go slowly HAHA
I do not see them as an obstacle or block me "Mentally" I always try to play the best I can simply if they have been 2 - 3 years and I 3 months, obviously they are going to beat me again and again and again without stopping because I do not know the I play like them The problem is that simply as much as I do my best I will…
I have seen in the forums a thousand people say that the rank is fine, that the rank is by your level with each killer but, I bought Bubba yesterday, and I could not play in peace, they only match me with rank 1 - 2, no It's fair I downloaded the game about 3 - 4 months ago and they have been playing for years, I play with…
Dude yess, you're talking about most of my games.
They are probably very good and the things I do make them laugh because I'm not at their "Level" so they play technically to annoy me There is no rank to be toxic but it is always rank 1 - 4 in my case obv :/
I read about it, I hope they fix it soon, it's not fun to play with toxic players rank 1 T_T