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  • "Since I've started playing DbD I've noticed a common trend where the devs constantly buff the bottom line of killers and nerf the top tier survivors." It only took one sentence to know this was bait.
  • "A lot of people use it and I don't like it so it's a problem" like how are you gonna say this about Corrupt Intervention, a relatively weak killer perk, when Decisive, Borrowed, Sprint Burst, Unbreakable, Self-Care, and Adrenaline are just as if not more common than Corrupt while also being more powerful? Like come on,…
  • It seems like survivors are getting nerfed "so much" because for a long time they haven't. Instead of balancing and keeping Survivors under control as time passes, Behaviour has instead opted for doing it all in one big wave. When one side has gone so long without being balanced, it can feel like an unprecedented amount of…
  • Gen rushing is pretty dependent but I would say it's every third or fourth game that it happens and I don't think it depends too much on platform. As for bullying, it's near constant on PC. Back when I played Xbox it wasn't that bad but I would say out of 10 games, you will get harassed in about 8 of them for something.…
  • There's literally no reason for there to not be colorblind settings. All arguments against colorblind settings aid the arguments in favor. Too unfair because non-colorblind people can use it? True, we can use it. But it's better to allow everyone use it and have us all on an even playing field instead of throwing…
  • I don't remember ever being called vitriolic slurs by Killers before in post-game chat. Survivors however, goddamn do they go off.
  • I know you're joking and being sarcastic, but that's basically exactly what I'm talking about here. ######### like this happens almost 24/7 and the community just brushes it off. If I had a dollar for each time I've been called a racist or gay slur, I'd be able to buy all the DLC and cosmetics.
  • Balancing a game around new players is never a good idea. Please have a meeting with whoever handles game balance and show them the wonders that is trickle-down balance, the objectively best way to balance any game. Uncle Dane, a TF2 Youtuber, explains it in this video really well and in a way that applies to most if not…
  • Holy ######### there is actually so much wrong with with this entire post, I'm gonna need to break it down into parts. First, there are many pricing models in gaming and the three most popular are purchased, free-to-play, and subscription-based. An example of a purchased game is Dead by Daylight, a F2P game being Team…
  • Will I get my money back since half the thing I paid for will be unusable?