How do you estimate the distance between you and the killer?
Yes lets give all starving African kids plates.
it's like you 're asking for food and someone gives you an empty plate. It's not helpful to say "get better".
Im sorry, now i know that I need to get better at learning the distance. ######### why didn't I think of that
How is practically saying "get better"a usefull tip?
That is the most useless hint I have ever seen
It could be done if the game tracked progression on a "DbD account" like Fortnite does. However this is not the case.
Does this mean that I hit when I as a killer swing at a survivor and turn around during the swing?
Exactly. When it doesn't even lign up from a killer's perpective, I can only imagine what it looks like on the survivor's side.
At what tick rate does the socket run?
Well they have the same range, but billy's weapon is a 1 meter pickaxe/hammer and the clown's weapon is a little tiny knife
Both, and the weapon models don't even have to lign up perfectly, but at least reasonably. Like Billy has the same range as the clown, it doesn't make sense.
They have the money to make a 3 page update log every other 2 weeks, but can't be bother to fix the hit detection. I can 't enjoy survivor anymore because of this and got killer rank 1 within a month of playing the game, if that doesn't say anything than I don't know what would.
And that is a great hit detection according to you?
I know what hitboxes are and how they work, and if your point is that the animations don´t line up with the hitboxes then I´m completely right saying that the hitboxes are complete dogshit
how do you explain then that it also hits on the killer side, when they are the host of the match
I don´t know what post you are reading but you are the first one to mention autoaim
I didn´t have a better example at hand, but it proves the point that either the lunge hitbox or the survivor´s hitbox is completely off. I don´t see the meg anymore in the clip and I still hit her.
I watch Noob3 as well, and I think he would agree with me.
- skip to 6:10
And of course killers should not have to use skill to hit survivors
Did you read the original post? Most of the time the killer is just looking the opposite way. It's impossible to dodge the attack if the killer has a 180 degree lunge.
Sorry I don't play DbD all day
I could record any game, cause it happens to me every single game
Why not remove windows and pallets as well so every killer can 4k all the time
And the area of effect is apparantly also behind him