You'd be surprised at the amount of people that do.
Maybe to the pallets, but gens? no lol
That's fair and I think a somewhat of an immunity would be cool to help give survivors a chance to get away. I apologize as well, you may have not said the whole bannable part, there's been a lot of discussion here and I might've overlooked someone elses reply.
And I get that, but if BHVR doesn't think it's a bannable/reportable offense - why do you and everyone else? It's part of the game.
I wonder if this would ever happen tbh
I've been trying to play other builds with myers but I'll admit using the tombstone instakill is pretty fun lol
You’re barely worth a response but you enjoy your day too. You’re just rage baiting people on forums lol
Always interested in having more survivor homies, i'm about ~160 hours in the game with maybe 20-30 of those on survivor. I'd like to learn some more team saves as well. Disc name is "jayisabear"
If it's not enjoyable then don't play? Nobody is forcing you to play. It's a PVP game. I'm going to kill you when I queue as a KILLer.
You'll survive. It's part of the game. BHVR ignores reports of tunneling lol. It's part of it.
I do think 4 minutes for being slugged is pretty rough tbh.
complain about swf's but then also play in swf's and also cry and complain about everything else also
I was literally going to say this.. It's understandable to have a few I'd imagine, but yeah this sounds like you're not enjoying the game at all..
I don't even really consider it tunneling when I kill survivors early on. I'm playing a game to win, just like survivors are playing to win also. I paid for the game the same as everyone else and I'm going to play(and kill early, and whenever possible) the way I want to. Now that's not to say that I won't have fun and let…
That's a valid response and I'll apologize as I wasn't fully aware. I read the forums some more and got a better understanding at how previous events have been handled. This is my first anniversary event where I've really sunk some time into the game so I wasn't aware of how the other ones were. Apologies to you and to…
No it's not. I wait maybe 1-3 minutes for a game. You need to relax a bit dude. The event JUST started.
Hey. The second page of the event isn't even available for 4 whole more days. It'll be alright. Not everything is meant to be rushed and finished immediately. Sit back and enjoy yourself and the rewards will come.
Ah yes killer mains shouldn't be allowed to even exist, or vote, or even breathe /s
I'd try to submit a ticket somehow and ask someone who works in the customer service department.
This is my first anniversary event and I've bought a couple different characters that I think I'll enjoy. I'm aiming to have at least 100+ cakes on them. I have about 80 on Shape, 70~ on Unknown, and about 40 on a few other killers that I'm trying to learn.
It's my first anniversary event so I'm not too sure just yet - I'm gonna stack blood points and then decide on who I'd like to work on. I'm super excited since like I mentioned, first time being around for an event/anniversary. Pretty excited for all the goodies in the shops :) 😍