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  • Lmao, i threw many games doing the fragile glyph. Soloq things
  • A killer will generally tunnel out the highest prestige player in the lobby because if you take out the strongest link early, you'd expect the rest of the game to snowball in your favour. This is generally a tactic that weaker/less experienced killer players will use, because in reality you can be stomped by p13 players…
  • A genuinely good reason for it to exist - fun. That's a thing games are meant to be. 4% is 1 in 25. You arent getting one or two every match. I see people try to kobe in nearly every game im in and it almost always ends in them getting the second stage express. Its a fun mechanic that can completely 180 a game the…
  • I used to run it religiously on huntress. Its crazy how often i would get value out of it too. Decent perk, although as others have said it is outclassed by other info perks now
  • Something for survivors: Taser: single use melee range item Add-ons: extra charge (+1 use) Propelled electrodes: (+3m range) High voltage mod: (+2 second stun) Strange capacitor: (+6 second hinder) Taser itself could stun killers for 3 seconds basekit. I think it would spice things up but also probably a terrible idea 😆
  • I like this, i think it is a nice way to address how busted hunty is going to be if she goes ahead like this.
  • I really like the idea behind it, and think the devs deserve praise for at least thinking outside the box and trying something new. They'll balance it pretty well I'm sure. The bnp idea is good but having it apply to all gens is busted, maybe just 3? Being broken the remainder of the game is excessive, they could wind that…
  • Elvira would be amazing, I'd like Rob Zombie and Sheri Moon too. I'd buy them all twice
  • I remember back when they had bp incentives attached to some perks. I think of they were to bring that back to some weaker/fun perks that incentivise spreading hooks and blessing totems for example, it could make for some fun alternative playstyles. It'd be interesting to see at least
  • Nick Cage slumps in his seat... "Everything I've done, the legacy I've built, the masses I've performed for. Lana Effin Del Rey"
  • Firstly, who plays for bp as their primary objective? Secondly... Its in the name - killer. Sole job, they kill. It does suck when you're getting out matched several games in a row but once your mmr settles down you have a good time again.
  • I've only been back two weeks. I am yet to see a singular singularity so that would be my pick. Sick of neme, could be fun to see more nurses but my mmr is so low theyre really rare.
  • Ghostie. GF will have 3 survivors exposed and will drop chase to specifically hurt me. I honestly don't get it lmao
  • I keep seeing these posts and i cannot say im having the same experience. Tunneling is maybe a quarter of the games im in, camping is in about half maybe but since the anti-camp changes its really not that strong and slugging - i can recall twice in the last 2 weeks ive seen a killer actively try to slug. Im soloq, and…
  • Iron will nerf is so odd, and hardly a fair nerf. Some survivors are quieter than others, so iron will yields significantly different results based on what skin you bring (dumb imo) should just be 100% for all, keep the exhausted factor for fairness. I'm not finding too many issues with balance though, im escaping most…
  • There is no way this is a serious post, i refuse to believe it.
  • RIP my guy, i hope his family and friends have the support they need ❤️
  • Sounds like you're the entitled one. You happen to live in a place that has a stable provider, or options to have and all of a sudden your right to play a game Trumps someone who has a less reliable connection? They also payed for the game. The entitlement here is gross. They mess up your game 1/xxxx times (how often is…
    in ban reset Comment by KMainEZ May 2023
  • You missed with this one my guy 😬
    in ban reset Comment by KMainEZ May 2023
  • Basekit all traps at Beginning, mangled/hemorrhage combo on traps as basekit too. That would probably fix him well enough. Rework some of his add-ons with that and he'd be in a nice spot imo
  • As killer: if theyre afk and im getting noise notification im downing and hooking because that bothers me. As killer: i will give hatch if i find it on the way to hook. Im not wasting time lapping the place looking for hatch. Surv: I will wait until team is safe, then leave. If team is in chase or on hook I'll risk it all…
  • I used to play him a fair bit, ran sloppy + jolt. Could definitely go with Tinkerer + gearhead as other 2. Or NTH and Brutal with eruption and perhaps fearmonger, or a stealth perk like trail of torment to accompany the gen kick build here. For add ons you're good to go with bag and purp stone, iri stones good, or +1 trap…
  • Everyone wants chase, until theyre the only one being chased, then it becomes tunnelling which is not what they want, even though it quite literally is. Everyone wants to do gens in peace, until killer afks at hook, then it becomes camping which is naughty and not nice. Nobody wants hit and run, because its "lazy". Tf does…
  • Have you played Blight on Desecrated borgo yet? Big oof. Anyways - bot matches my guy, just do bot matches. I mean that to learn the map, the collision, practice the tight spaces and learn them. You'll at least be comfortable next time you're there
  • Fair enough i suppose. On the surface it does seem at times that these sweaty playstyles are encouraged. Hopefully you get an answer
  • Ive told people to apologise to their families for being utter disappointments. Still haven't had a ban so i guess you can get away with that 🧐
  • Bit rich to think a dev would have any more insight into player psychology than you or anyone else. I mean you said it yourself, people may feel like they have less gen pressure now and go straight to hard tunnelling/camping. Generally speaking, people will take the path of least resistance. Outliers are sweats and super…
  • so much better now. Sb and lithe any day. I miss dh as a survivor no lie, but as killer, good riddance.
  • This would be an excellent idea for a new chapter. I mentioned in another post here that another Onryo would be a welcomed chapter, owing to the fact that they're actually terrifying 😆
  • Ban the knight indeed. He knows what he did. Knight things. We should ban him! Yea! Ban stuff cause we don't like it! Should be bannnnnnnned. Banananaanananananed! These forums are wild
  • Idk, i seem to be having a blast as survivor. I have a 15% roughly escape rate so it isn't a skill thing, i just have a good time. Killer is still pretty good, still get people DC'ing and trying to give up on first hook but aside from that its great my end 🤷‍♂️
  • I agree, we should move to a plastyle that awards regression for an active killer! Okay, so how about a perk that you need to: Kick a gen to activate Procs on downing somebody AFTER the gens been kicked Is counterable if a survivor is paying attention Is actually... Just old eruption. You guys want old eruption back…
  • Wait 0.5s to bait it out?? Nah fam haha there were plenty of instances where it would be 5+ seconds, only to have them press E at the right moment anyway. And then the amount of collective time wasted baiting out a perk they ended up not even having. Glad to see SB back tbh. DH was an issue, it finally got fixed.
  • There's a recurring issue I'm seeing with all of these post-types. Survivor is too hard, killer is too hard, no fun, no fun, what am i to do!? Honestly it's sad to see so many people being dissatisfied with the game. The simple answer is change your personal win condition. Stop relying on getting a 3k or 4k to define a fun…
  • Thats absolutely wild to me that you managed to let 5 gens fly without even seeing someone. Idk how thats even possible, its actually impressive.
  • Since coming back I'm having a good time. Game feels good with the last few updates. I have both 4k and 0k games so it feels pretty well balanced my end. Maps is the only issue i really have. The invisible obstructions on some of the junk when playing huntress or Billy can be infuriating, but aside from that... Great…
  • Perhaps i don't understand your point because you either Don't have one, or the one you do have is poorly formed you absolute egg. Re read my original argument before coming along with your pseudo intellectual, condescending writing style pretending you have any idea wtd you're talking about. I said play how you want. You…
  • Then i guess I won't understand the problem, because you just stated you enjoy dying, yet when the killer kills you there's a problem of you not getting to play the game. I might be stupid, but that does read rather contradictory. Am i correct then in assuming your idea of playing is dependent on what the other side, and…
  • im guilty of this. Sometimes I'm so caught up in gen tracking and keeping pressure on i forget who's on certain hook stages and just like that, ive tunnelled the poor Nea who happens across my path every damn time. It is what it is
  • So then dont go down in 30 seconds. A killer plays to kill, a survivor plays to survive, right? Your objective ultimately, is to avoid death. If you go down in 30 seconds, sure, it might not be your fault BUT it probably is. If you get tunnelled out well, at least you can move into another game quickly. Getting camped…
  • There was a night-time coldwind!? That would have been epic
  • Pop, pain res, dead mans, eruption, jolt. These aren't bad perks for actual slowdown. Try discordance, tinkerer, gearhead, thrilling tremors for info to apply immediate, deliberate pressure to gens being worked on. Builds for days bud, have some fun and play around with it
  • Idk. Deadhard requires actual work to use now, if it extends chase im not mad, feels deserved Compared to before. PR is still fine imo, i love pop also. CoH isnt stronger than before. It helps team healing, which is fine? Id rather know 2 people are off gens than one. I dont get this post lol.
  • I'm a killer main, but that said I feel like this isn't a "survivor mad" issue as much as it is a "toxic baby sore loser" issue. Ive been playing video games competitively to some degree for over 2 decades and have seen my fair share of sore losers. This game just happens to have a surprisingly large number of them,…
  • I was really hoping BHVR would get rid of her insta-down and replace it with aura reading. I think it would be more fun. Maybe make survivors in her drones area hindered 3% basekit or something + aura to give reason to not want to be in the area.
  • Yea but... Imagine if they were 🤣
  • Imo they could have just removed the ability for CoB and OC to stack, and that would have been healthier. Wouldn't have made two perks useless (one of them being a *paid for perk) while also removing the ridiculous +400% regression speed.
  • Agreed. It doesn't make sense.
  • Maxx is a pretty darn great huntress