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  • I ask my tome-chasing survivor buddies the same thing. Been a problem I've had to deal with for the past 5 years.
  • Probably not, but why deny someone something they so desperately seek, yet don't need any validation achieving? Survivors are experiencing massive burnout from this gameplay loop. If BHVR won't fix it, then we will.
  • I've been playing Dungeons & Dragons for nearly 10 years now. I've been a Dungeon Master through all of it, and I couldn't tell you a single thing about Vecna. I watch Critical Role. I watch Stranger Things. I have Vecna cards in Magic the Gathering. Doesn't matter… I still don't know a single thing about him, thats not…
  • not really… people are emboldened by anonymity. Until BHVR studies the pattern of behavior and reports back with their findings, the discussion has a place on the forums.
  • Not so sure I agree there is a big advantage on display here. I don't have an opinion on the matter—just don't see this as convincing evidence one way or another.
  • I think a good start would be PTB testing gen regression perks not being able to procc on gens that are actively regressing.
    in Is it me or Comment by KayTwoAyy May 10
  • Not pleased with WotC currently, but this is just mindless hate.
  • For the uninitiated… Beholders (the cyclopse creature in the video) create a cone of anti-magic in whichever direction their large eye is looking. While a Beholder is a monstrosity worthy of being a DBD killer in it's own right, I wonder if the teaser is hinting at a part of the Killer's gameplay loop. Perhaps there will…
  • This is an insane buff, and that's all I'll say as someone who didn't think BGP was an issue before and doesn't care to debate this until players have time to draw their on conclusions in-game.
  • I don't want to sound overly critical, because I appreciate the recommendation. …but in the off-chance a dev sees this, I don't think this sort of Killer would be very fun to play against. Skull Merchant, Freddy, and Clown are all able to moderately hinder survivors, and I must say it is the most frustrating status effect…
  • No uproar, no issue. I created the post for the dichotomy. The image is up to personal interpretation. What I see is a killer who doesn't care about the outcome of the trial vs 4 survivors who care quite a lot about the outcome. Someone else might look at this photo and say "hah! 5 perkless gamers, nice." Or maybe someone…
  • Unfortunately, Vittorio went down on a pallet (probably calculated) with 2 gens left, and the Laurie who was most recently unhooked with OTR and DS threatened to pallet save. At this point, I had already gauged that I was against a full SWF, but I had no idea how equipped they were. I hit Laurie once, deep wound, then I…
  •  If that’s true tunneling would be that much easier especially since the anti camp mechanic also isn’t in place. You would think, but tunneling was less effective 5 years ago than it is today. Camping and tunneling are absolutely more prevalent today than they were years ago, and I know why. I was just curious to hear…
    in Chase Times Comment by KayTwoAyy May 5
  • Guess I just imagined it then…
    in Chase Times Comment by KayTwoAyy May 5
  • Care to explain why camping and tunneling is so much more prevalent today when Survivors were exponentially more powerful 5 years ago?
    in Chase Times Comment by KayTwoAyy May 5
  • Some people just want others to have a bad time. Some people want to win so bad they don't care if others are having a bad time. Killers have received a plethora of buffs over the years, and camping and tunneling has continued to rise alongside it. The only solution to camping and tunneling is to remove it as a viable…
    in Chase Times Comment by KayTwoAyy May 5
  • There is no one-size-fits-all solution here. Length of chase is variable based on Killer being played, perks being used, the map and it’s available resources, as well as the strategy the Killer seeks to employ during the match. I’ve seen Killers 4k after 3+ minute long chases, and I’ve seen Survivors 4 escape after…
    in Chase Times Comment by KayTwoAyy May 5
  • We could argue at length about design ideologies, and methodologies to achieve this… but the philosophy remains the same: BHVR should make it obvious that a survivor that escape is a "win" for all other survivors. You might believe the game just needs to reward players for these actions, I might believe the game needs to…
  • DBD is a 1v1v1v1v1 Are we seriously surprised that Survivors are at each other's throats? Does anyone here honestly expect their teammate to hold their hand and sing kumbaya when the prisoner's dilemma dictates that defection will always result in a better payoff than cooperation? You want to see change? Hold BHVR…
  • I still find it pretty obvious which survivor brings the offering—assuming they brought it for the competitive advantage. Survivors who bring map offerings often play/path more intentionally, and have an air of confidence about them.
  • I did not respond to your remarks about the forum, because I don't consider out-of-game experiences a part of the social contract. The governing bodies on this forum do not exist in-game, and the power disparity between players is not felt on the forums in the same way that it is in-game. In other words, I believe that…
  • Have you only played Killer during those 8 years? What you are claiming sounds more akin to motivated perception that objective reality. Just this past week I… Stopped working on gens because Survivors completed 3 before the first down Gave Dredge a free down because 3 gens popped before he could down me Gave Wesker as…
  • For Killer, A perk that allows the Killer to rebuild a hook. Maybe takes 3 seconds to do? Don't think the perk needs any other bells and whistles. Obviously would be a handy counter to sabo squads, but generally it'd be nice to have as countermeasure against survivors dying on hooks that create deadzones. Of course, this…
  • Damnnn, Dwight with the PHD in Cheating! This was an enjoyable bit to read. Thanks for taking the time to write it. I’m not even reading it in the context of your conversation, I just genuinely appreciate your analysis of cheating as a construct in competition.
  • My least favorite perk is arrogance.
  • 👍🏼 I forgot to check last night—I’m assuming players are taken to the featured page when they click Shop from the home page. If so, probably fine to remain as is. The experience should really depend on what BHVR wants to achieve—I’m assuming increased traffic to the store, but I could be wrong. Do they want people…
  • Seldom do I open the store, and I am no more inclined to open it now than I was before. I'm assuming the intention was to drive more traffic to the store—maybe I'm not the target audience here, but I'll share my feedback. The Collections Page has an Identity Crisis None of it feels intentional. Cinematic render here,…
  • Dude's comment at 4:03 is comedy. Had my undivided attention until then. In just about every creative field, there is a fixation for the tools people use. Architect students see their professors' drawings and ask "what pen do you use?" An artist will ask "what brush do you use?" A photographer will ask "what lens do you…
  • I think it’s worth mentioning that Invocation Perks are likely cornerstones in BHVR’s attempts to change how Survivors play the game, so it is unlikely we will see them reworked until 3 or 4 have been released. I could be way off base here, but all signs point towards BHVR pushing Survivors down the path of stealth and…
  • …and it took how long?
  • By no means an answer to your question @Tyler3, but… I don't play the Artist because I've always felt like she was added to fill the gothic-horror/vampire subgenre, and I'm extremely salty that a vampire and/or werewolf killer has yet to be added to the lineup. I don't even like gothic horror—I just feel like a vampire…
  • Of course they are going to fix him at some point. I most certainly hope so. I'm not saying they shouldn't fix his issues. I'm just acknowledging that the company has limited bandwidth, and I want to express my opinion about where they should focus their time and energy.
  • My conclusion is matchmaking decide your fate rather than your own skill. I have been trying to wrap my head around this exact feeling for quite some time now. I don't know if it is Patrick's comments in a developer stream years ago that tore down the veil of matchmaking for me, or if DBD's matchmaking system is just…
  • The jump scare is supposed to come from a Killer materializing on your six without any warning, when they traditionally have map-wide audio queues. The jump scare heavily depends on the killer hiding the fact they have silent saw and undetectable. Just remember there is a human element at play, and a person is entirely…
  • Played a ton of games recently with Knockout, Infectious, Coulrophobia, and Thana on Pinhead. Gotta be honest… some of the most chill games of DBD I've played in a while. Didn't have to worry about blind saves, pallet saves, Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, or Off the Record. I can't imagine the Survivors were loving it—between…
  • BHVR will prioritize fixing and improving content that people enjoy and will continue coming back to the game for. So I'd say my feelings on the matter are fairly relevant to the discussion.
  • My video froze the moment you marked all 3 survivors. I had a laugh thinking "the moment things start going downhill" was 3 survivors being marked at the same time. Impossible to say, really, but I doubt any one of the survivors crashed your game. Maybe there are people out there who use cheats solely to crash games and…
  • …and this will go over all the heads of those who try to comment on this discussion without watching the video. Otz hit the nail on the head with his commentary here. This is exactly the type of trial that drives new and casual players away from the game. It wouldnt be as much a problem if MMR protected players from this…
  • Playing against a Knight feels like playing against someone who is too lazy to spend any time learning the game's skill expression, so I feel no remorse for this Killer.
  • Sorry to hear about that. Also, I'd like to see the escape rate for that perk. It has to be abysmal.
  • I stopped posting on this forum when I realized you express every opinion I have about the game in a way that doesn't run me the risk of getting banned for some smartass remark. I've been letting you do all the talking for me for months now XD @Iron_Cutlass to answer your question, I feel like the forums are dead. For many…
  • you're just refusing to accept the fact that there are a large population of players who enjoy playing competitive and will stay in competitive ad infinitum. Why? Because it fits your narrative. Every single competitive player that queues into a competitive game mode is one less competitive player that casual players…
  • and making a competitive game mode won’t stop sweaty comp players from going into the casual game mode for a chill easy win And yet, when you split the two groups of players, casual players have a significantly smaller population of competitive players to worry about playing against. The current system does not benefit…
  • People are complaining about current MMR being too sweaty, because people who don’t play competitively have been forced to play against competitive opponents. A competitive game mode significantly reduces the amount of competitive players the casual player will encounter
  • more than enough people will take the easiest route to win because (big shock) people like to win, especially if it's easy. It sounds like you’re drawing the wrong conclusion. Yes, players like to win. Yes, players like to give themselves the best opportunity for success. But players do not like easy wins. Easy wins are…
  • Except for the fact that there are tens of thousands of people like myself who would exclusively queue into competitive mode. I don’t play casual in any game that offers a competitive queue, so I couldn’t tell you how many people look for low hanging fruit. But I can say that players who want to get really good stay in the…
  • I've been playing Freddy the past 2 nights. 6 straight 4ks with No Way Out, Terminus, Remember Me, and Fire Up. …I haven't even gotten value out of my build yet, I'm just having a blast with his base kit! 😂 I think he needs to be nerfed, ngl
  • Can you support this with data? It's quite concerning to me that you would dismiss such an issue anecdotally. tbagging and the like never struck me as a direct endorsement of SA The lengthy discussion we could have about desensitization aside, I've always held a very playful opinion of tbagging, as it has proven to be a…
  • I wish I could like this comment a thousand times over. Very clever!
  • Because the pattern of behavior indirectly hurts your own experience. As Survivor tolerance for tunneling and camping goes down, so to does their willingness to be an active participant in your game. You would do well to remember that online gaming is a social contract, and your behavior online only benefits you for as…