Entitled isnt a disabled person wanting a pointless minor mechanic changes to improve experiences for disabled people, and everyone as a bonus. Entitled is saying something that doesnt cater to you shouldnt exist.
Your comments are still elitist. You say your fix works for you then ignore that i say that doesnt work for me. You tell people with disabilities to work around the problem like that is possible if keybindings do nothing would you tell someone who cant walk to crawl up the stairs? No wonder we have so mamy scummy…
Just look at the lgbt community dealing with slippery slope arguments for centuries about getting rights.
You dont get a say in what people with disabilities have and need. As much as you want to be selfish, you have nothing in this discussion, and you add nothing but straw arguments about slippery slopes. The kind of arguments that blocked lgbt rights for centuries and still do.
The people complaining and the devs should explain to people like Puppers why they cant keep playing the game they love with disabilities that worsen over time. That a few people with ignorant and selfish viewpoints cried victim over the idea of changing a minor and commonly annoying mechanic because it doesnt cater to…
People with no argument always have to jump to extremes to try and counter valid points.
That is better than what i put. Thank you for supporting my feedback. I really hope the developers listen but I'm happy to push this further if needed to get this recognised and resolved. Its tiring to have to fight past ableist and elitist voices over what is a big improvement for us and a nothing change for the…
You must be confused about the purpose of this forum, for giving feedback so they make plans... i guess you're the wolf in the memes situation.
Also what movie requires button spamming for a minute with no pause?
It shows how F'ed society is when people can complain a lot about every aspect of the game as long as you dont have a disability, because that suddenly becomes about 'Special' treatment when you want EQUAL treatment.
Excellent contribution with your blatant ablism. Really added to the discussion.
That does not work for everyone. And not all disabilities are the same, some struggle more than others. This isnt an exclusive experience, thats insane to overblow what ive said this way. Its called accomodation and basic empathy. Good for you you have a workaround. Not everyone does, so stop being elitist.
Idea if the mechanic is really necessary: Have a bar that goes down over time. Tapping slowly is enough to keep it from reaching the bottom. If you can spam it for a short period then itll push it up more. If the bar reaches the bottom then the person dies early on the hook.