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  • Just my humble opinion....but if you have high prestige levels I am more likely to stay in the match because the high levels tend to drop Tirimisou and other great offerings. Now if you play games in the lobby or are running an awful sweaty group set up then maybe I send you to the back.
  • Actually no they did not. I played after our posts and in 2/3 of the matches the survivors blatantly exploited the new loop holes against both my son and myself. You can even be up on the 2nd floor of the ship chasing a survivor or kicking a gen and the player on the hook which is on the ground unhooks and it's also quick.…
  • Really so if you are hooked in the hallway of the school ground floor, your teammate is spotted on the second floor and keeps the chase above you. You get a free deliverance when the killer is not camping you and cannot reach you. Plus the timer starts on hook so it's ticking if the killer leaves right away, or breaks a…
  • It was every day but the recent changes have really hurt the game. Micro managing the game play by devs. Huge changes without the devs taking into account the effects on the players
  • Except the solution implementation was poor. Why should killers who aren't face camping get punished ? Timer starts at hook. So if you want to break a pallet or reload or kick a gen the timer is running. Even if you leave immediately you build up time. Survivors can exploit easily. Who gets the advantage picking maps....…
  • First of all the terrible new anti camping does the opposite. It punishes killers who don't camp. The meter starts upon hooking not even letting the player leave, kick a gen, break a pallet or rearm at a locker without effecting the timer. Even worse if your on a two floor map you are punished even when you are zero threat…
  • Really....good players do what is effective. Camping was a non issue before the terrible anti camping rollout. Poor killers camp before end game. Average or better killers do not. Why because average or better survivor teams love it when you camp a hook, with no pressure they just pop all the gens. If needed they will come…
  • Skull Merchant pre patch was a niche underpowered Killer. Because of this and the fact that she comes in an unattractive package to purchase she was rarely played. Skill Merchant post patch. You have to be kidding I wouldn't purchase or play that pile of steaming garbage. Like the previous post said you should just kill…
  • Another dev special make it overpowered in variety and power and then make the controls poor !
  • I love playing the knight. But the biggest issue is that when you successfully guess where the playing is going and place a guard ahead of them. And the player is playing oblivious and just running straight at the guard.....the guard doesn't take the easy hit but instead runs past the survivor and then when way behind…
  • Knight useful powers without the awful we made the killer too good so we will make controlling them awful rather than balancing the game. Worst idea ever. Oni is so cool looking and a great killer but when you use the power the controls are so terrible unless you are on PC with a special mouse. This idea make it hard to…
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