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  • Seeing how latest 2v8 iteration was. Some of this can be tweaked, but these were just base ideas to what can be added or changed for introducing new killers to 2v8
  • MYers already got a buff,, it doesn't need another
  • I Hope you know this would encourage toxic behavior right? Majority of survivors I encounter, I have to slug bc all/Majority of them would body block, flash and stun constantly so much so its pointless to continue, some rounds I've seen killers give up entirely bc ofmy survivors random teammates for doing exactly this,…
  • Ig I forgot that first part with the addons, and my only reason for obessions is bc all matchs I've been in, I've seen the obsession get teamed on by both killers at the same time whenever found (with me being on the receiving on some of these occasions), so that's why I thought way not 2 for 2, as for the mori, you do…
  • THis is what I think that should be added and changed, I've also got the same opinions from other players as well,
  • Yeah thats kinda true, ig I forgot about that part, my recent few matches with xeno people didn't use turrets so ig I forgot about that lol but I still think the xeno should get a few addons that assists his tail power or the tunnels (at leasts something a bit more since we have a few already for the tunnels) for its power…
  • TBf, the killers were very undermined before the kill system for the basekit, bc that would just make Survivors toxic and basically saying "HA you suck, and you can't kill Me no matter what you do so I'm just gonna waste your time" I've seen and experienced too many matches of this situation on both sides and it's just not…
  • I Like the ideas, but j don't think the charge sound, lung change and speed reduction is needed
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