With real hits, just that... I dont care campers, tunnelers, rushers,SWF, tryharders... Just want fair hits, Just that
That's because the player base that plays in that role is much larger than that of the killers. But let's be honest, both parties contribute a lot to the toxicity within the game, and also today, in my opinion, the developers are not contributing in this situation that has been going on for years and they have not known…
It has reached a point that apparently the developers like the uncertainty in their community about the reality of the game more than giving concrete information on the state of the game. I think this hurts the state of the community, increases polarization and toxicity in the game.
For killers mains 4k = balanced game. cause "killers are the power role" 10000 IQ
Always has been a problem some hits after you drop the pallet, but......... Come on, right now is ridiculous.!
90% of my frustration with this game are fake hits.
70% Survivor 30% Killer All achievements
Truetalent having 3k and 4k like 90-95% of his matches. Still complaining.
Sorry for revive this topic, but sill there the problem. During the day we have 80-100ms, but after afternoon, ping raise up to 160-190 here in Chile, I have good connection here 500mb, and this is happening during last months.. Any information, maybe the number of players right now is growing up too much in the zone for…
Here in Chile, South America Dedicated Servers are 10/10, perfect, improve the gamep´lay and the waiting times. Ping are always 80-90ms Thanks Developers!
There are some official utterance by BHVR about this?
Killer always have an excuse.
Im very agree with you... Just, like most of people told u, Nurse is S+ and change myers by hag
Uff... You sound a little traumatized, I play as killer too sometimes, right now Im rank 2 (Im trying to derank but is pretty impossible), and yes, sometimes play against SWF is frustrating but is not all the games... Or you are very bad, or you have a problem with this game... No always mean you have to win, if they are…
Whau, poor little camper LF... That was a timing problem... Try to wait a little more to next time... Or try to play without camp... If you can.
As I said in other topic. Looping is a legal tactic for no skill players (same than Camping) In the morning I looped a LF for 2 minutes in the same structure
Camp = Loop Legal tactic for no skill players.
The problem with Solo Survivor is not the killer, the problem are potato teamates... I can be good, actually I think Im a decent survivor after 1,2k hours, but... 1v1 against the killer and the other survivor just hiden is impossible... That is the main problem....But, I think is OK, It's part of the game... Just please,…
The problem there is that u will be the only one doing objectives... =/
Inevitably you lost the fear after you have some hours(I have 1200). Anyway, I am not a killer main, but I am decent killer and I hate play against inmersive survivors, and maybe u think in the same way. That is the subject here, I know maybe my way to play is too aggressive and not the optimal playstyle(I mean, looking…
Sorry is "between 50 %- 60% of the games I can escape/survive playing agressive" That is a fact, but still more viable than play agressive with the new health times.
Camp is like fart at the elevators, you can do it, but is disgusting for the other people.
Maybe a training option to practice structures combination, but, for me is not necessary