And you will just be right back here complaining they used unbreakable again...I agree slugging is part of the game and a legit tactic to use as a killer but unless you just started playing the game yesterday you are fully aware that unbreakable is a perk and a legit tactic to counter slugging as a survivor so there is a…
If those are the 4 that you choose as survivor meta, and I def don't disagree with those selections, I don't run any meta perks as is.... my typical survivor build is: Iron will - some could argue is starting to be kinda meta? Resilience - def not meta Spine chill - again could be considered kinda meta 4th is really…
Hmmm....I gotta go with The Spirit! *low rumbling growl* tear dat a$% up!! 😂🤣
This question is, as we can see by the huge swing in opinion, just that, an opinion. It's all in what you want... for me personally, I love cosmetic garbage in games. I'm a sucker. Even if they are cosmetics I most likely won't use I'll go for em... gives me other things to shoot for other than just blood points all the…
People still whine too much! 🤣
I see your point on resurrecting old threads. A lot can change in this game for sure. That said Hex ruin is hex ruin so I guess I still thought it was relevant. At any rate i appreciate the info and will be sure to not resurrect old going forward.
Lol you found it didn't you? Why start a new thread on something that already has a thread that can just be bumped! How many threads do we need on the topic??
Devs don't need to fix anything. The perk is called overcharge! This is such a ridiculous thread. I run both sides and yes I hate going against ruin but sure as hell like running it. Hex ruin is not broken. It doesn't need fixed. It doesn't need changed. As a killer it's a gamble. Either it lasts awhile and prolongs the…
Yes... this thread has several topics going on at once here for the archives... personality I don't have any issues with the rewards. I'm not running archives for the BP myself. I'm doing it for the rift and cosmetics... my main issue is "it can all be completed by the casual with 1 hour a day of play time" which my longer…
Really? Sho probably Tuesday with the weekly reset?
They supposedly were changing the level 3 challenges today... has anyone seen these changes yet? They have not changed on PS4 as of yet...
Just a thought... the difficulty or "grindy" part of these challenges wouldn't be as painful if we were able to work on say a couple at a time? This probably wouldn't ever happen but for instance "escape 10 trials" is minimum 10 rounds realistically more like 20+ for the average player. I know I don't escape every other…
So first my overall thoughts...I love the archives as a whole. They give me something extra to work towards and get some decent cosmetic stuff for them. I do agree with most here that the complete "x" in a single trial in most cases sucks. It's more stressful than fun but I do them. I want to solidify my feelings here…
Honestly I don't care too much for actual cross platform play... cross save would be nice tho. I personally don't mind buying the game on multiple platforms as the developers are in the business to entertain and make money. I would and have bought the game on multiple platforms...I just don't like the grind for each... let…
Ok so I am really loving all of this lore stuff however I am dumber than a bag of hammers and am really bad at putting it all together... so who exactly is the hunger talking about? I seen you guys talking about Vigo? So who is Vigo?