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  • Thank you for the links!!
  • Also, where can I see the devs talk about this? I'd like to watch the stream please.
  • I didn't know that and thank you for sharing. Every time I have seen camping brought up I see people saying it's just part of the game. I don't think the best solution is banning. I'd much rather see the game discourage it and push the killers to their objectives. There is some hard camping behavior that I think if…
  • I agree. This is why I'm commenting on this here. If this is truly how they want the game to be played it doesn't line-up with their EULA. If they decide DBD is now going to be a hook simulator game that takes away pips for something that is completely out of your control and isn't enjoyable in any way when it happens (and…
  • I disagree. The player on a hook that is being camped is not able to play. Unless this game is now becoming hook simulator. The killer staring at you and pretend attacking you while you progress through all three hooks is not playing. Also, many times the other survivors try to unhook the player and the killer ignores them…
  • I agree with all of this! The only thing I think slightly different on is when one survivor is on a gen it may be a decent time but when multiple survivors are on one gen it can go very quickly.
  • I don't think that all killers that camp should be banned but I do think the devs should change features in the game to nudge players away from camping. I'd love to hear your thoughts, as a killer, on how the game could be adjusted to prevent gameplay that interferes with the objectives of the game. BTW I think that some…
  • I've chased and jumped in between killers tunneling and they will accidentally hit me but keep chasing the player that was just unhooked. That is what I consider tunneling.
  • If being camped were part of the game then you would get points for being stuck on the hook from first hook to third hook. As the game is now you lose pips when you are camped. Also the should change the game description to hook simulator.
  • I don't mind playing with a killer who is a challenge or if I die. But camping does prevent the hooked player from doing anything. Like you said, who wants to wait in a queue just to be hooked, camped and killed. Whether I'm the survivor hooked or not is irrelevant. The hooked player was not allowed to play the match. This…
  • I don't think anyone has the right to win. I very much enjoy this game, whether I survive or die, when I get the ability to play it! It's not true to say you can win by any means though. All games have codes of conduct and objectives for you to complete. DBD already recognizes that some gameplay isn't allowed. I wish they…
  • I'm very glad to hear this isn't your experience with the game. Unfortunately about 80% percent of my matches killers are camping. It's not always me but they make it impossible for us to help the hooked survivor. Many of these matches where the killer is camping they will completely ignore me while I stand right next to…
  • I never said you were entitled to three hooks. The game is designed to have a chance to get off the hook. Camping prevents this thus interferes with the players ability to enjoy the game (do any objectives).
  • The stun prevents you from playing the game for a very short duration, not the remainder of the match until you die. You can continue to do you objectives and play. There is a big difference.
  • I agree that it can't be a blanket statement of enjoyment of the game. If there are parts of the game that a player may not enjoy, like a flash light stun, but they can move on in that same match and continue to play. Camping is forcing that match for that player to be only hanging on a hook and lose pips. That is…
  • If that were the case then the game should give you points for being hooked once and staying until you die. Instead you get penalized (lose pips) for this and you have no control over it. Also, No one is saying they don't ever want to be hooked. You are correct, that is part of the game and the survivors can't complete…
  • Yes, being on a hook is part of the game and the survivors cannot complete their objectives if a killer does not hook someone. No one is saying that you shouldn't be hooked. The issue is when a killer camps the hook, forcing the player to progress through all three hooks. Killers are not allowing other survivors to unhook…
  • Being hooked once and being forced to stay there for all three hooks has nothing to do with skill. If the killer camps the hook there is no way to escape. This is why camping is interring with a players ability to enjoy the BHVR service.
  • Where have the devs stated that camping is not a bannable offense? The only place I have seen this is in this forum and we are discussing how it contradicts the EULA. Once again the EULA does not say that you are not allowed to prevent a player from entering another match. If that is what they were intending they would…
  • You may not agree with the legal verbiage in the EULA but they chose those words specifically. If someone doesn't "enjoy" the objects they need to complete in the game then they just don't enjoy the game and that game is not for them. If someone is preventing you from playing the game at all and you can not complete any…
  • That is true and fair. The game will eventually end. But the EULA does not only say that you can't hold a game hostage. It says you can not interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR service. If they wanted it be more specific then they would have said specifically said something like "prevent someone…
  • Forcing a player to stay on a hook, not letting the other survivors take them off the hook is the same thing as forcing them in a corner and holding the player there. I have played numerous games where the killer will ignore the other survivors (who are standing right there as they just took the player off the hook) and…
  • It seems that you are interpreting this rule to apply only if someone has blocked a person from being able to log into the game and play... I would agree that if someone were to do that they would be violating this rule as well. But interfering with my ability to do objectives applies too. Like a mentioned before, I don't…
  • Saying to queue up in another game is not relevant to the match I was in that the killer camped me in. Every match is part of the game... If this was an uncommon gameplay among killers than I would say "Well the killer was a jerk" and move on to the next game. But this is very common and the game is literally forcing me to…
  • I agree that banning for camping may not be the answer. The toxic behaviors of a survivor player are just as bad to both killers and survivors. The game could do a much better job at encouraging players to play with the objectives in mind. An example that the game already has is the crows that appear when you are standing…
  • The intent is for the other survivors to be able to try to unhook you (or you can try to unhook yourself but really that is a very slim chance) and if they fail you progress. This is not possible if the killer just stands there. The killer is also encouraged to complete other objects but they stay at the hook and watch the…
  • The game is designed to be hooked three times. Camping the hook is altering the features of the game so that you are hooked once and die. This is literally altering the players ability to play the game as intended.
  • Yes, thank you! Can we please get more active coaching like this and the crows that expose a survivor that isn't moving? Anything that suggests players play in a less toxic manner. Both killers and survivors have certain gameplays that make the match unfun for the entire team. It's incredibly frustrating when you lose pips…