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  • I uhhh... I only play killer and I don't play any of those killers and still manage 2-4ks a game when I try and seriously play. Normally I just farm chase and breaking points and track hooks so I don't sacrifice anyone. I'm more after points then kills truthfully.
  • I personally run stuff like Iron Grasp, Mad Grit... Ive never used NOED...
  • 1. Never allow anyone to make you feel like garbage. They arent worth it. 2. What killer and perks do you run? And what platform do you play on?
  • I get more survivors who run then survivors who stealth. This advice came from my experience rather then from the games perks. And was meant more for the start of the match rather then the mid to late game once chases start.
  • ^ This. This is golden. I have been playing since dbd on ps4 came out. The number of times Ive met toxic survivors is actually low. Other then recently when dealing with DS on someone(Granted. My fault for not realizing it was the same Dwight and trying to max my hook points) I generally have good games. Ive even had…
  • Not to poke fun or anything.... But there are sweaty no life kids in Apex too. On a serious note. I am sorry that the Killer side is stressful for you. That always sucks to read, probably because I find the survivor side of things boring.
  • I cant really say Ive stayed away from killers. I have tried them all and I have my disliked killers. However I have had the opposite happen. I used to be a Legion Main, but after PH came out, my time as him dwindled to nothing.
  • Generally speaking. Im open to helping with challenges. Ill even sometimes try to farm my own or if its a particularly annoying challenge, I will reach out to the survivors to exchange challenge aid. One was on a killer i really dont use much(I primarily play PH/Death) and I reached out to help. Turns out the survivor…
  • Listen, sound can tell you so much in this game. The Terror Radius even helps Survivor out as the louder it is, generally, the closer a Killer is. Dont Stand still but don't run either. Unless you are being chased, you should never run or vault or drop a pallet. It gives the Killer clues of where you are. Whether a sound…