Please convert Hangman's Trick into a Scourge hook, maybe then it'll be useable.
This has to be a plant, game already has more than consistent enough income with overpriced cosmetics, the Rift, and DLC chapters If this have was Free to Play I could see a case for it but even when on sale it'll run you $8 just to play it
I would love punishments for people that DC early on in the game, but recently I've been suffering a game breaking bug where I just randomly disconnect almost every other game. It's not my internet, I've run tests, I can play other games just fine. I've verified integrity of game files and reinstalled the game to no avail.…
I want the game to stop DC'ing me every other match. It's certainly not my internet since I don't have this issue with any other game.
Been experiencing this for 2 weeks, it happens every other game :c Verifying game files doesn't help It's not the killer disconnecting because my friends stay in the game just fine (they even got to BP farm because the killer thought I ragequit one time) My internet can get a little laggy at times but it's never outright…