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  • Devs: Ok, let's make the skull trader more speed so she can chase and not camp 3 gens. Players: Nice, more speed to be able to camp 3 gens. Devs: Let's make it so Survivors can't take out a drone if they've already disabled one so the trader can know where it is and chase them down. Players: Perfect, when they remove the…
  • Bueno como veo q sois unos espavilaos lo pongo sin traducir. Lo d mencionar al killer como maníaco o como sea lo hace el corrector lumbreras. Q xa dato en cada país se dice diferente igual q los nombres d los Killers xa q le des un pokito de trabajo a la ameba q tienes.
  • there are some who do it secretly so they don't report them
  • you haven't seen any? how lucky you are. In two years I had only seen a couple of them, like the Ghost Face that flew. Now there is everything, players who run at the speed of light, fly, hang on hooks alone, make engines and heal instantly, escape from the game when there are still engines to do, two killers in the same…
  • Thank you very much FairP1ayer, it was exactly that. I went to the store and the DLC that I was missing was the option to download, and they were already unlocked in the game.
  • seriously, is this advantage too strong? A buff that can only be used once in a game at a specific time, with a time to use it, with a skill check, and only used if you tunnel me? They say that repairing injured is toxic. Ok, what counter attack do I do for legion? to the plague? If you have to repair with injuries. What…
  • the location of the new HUD is horrible, tired the view and distracts you from the game. It hides a lot of information (birds that fly, assassin that comes) not to mention that it does not leave space for the cameras when streaming without obscuring some data from the viewers. The bleed bars are very small. The photo of…
  • those of the advent calendar, today gave 100,000 blood points the same as yesterday, but I did not receive anything
  • Resuelto. Es un error de traducción. En la descripcion pone ataca, y es derriba.
  • En el primer caso revise la partida y ocurrio q justo cuando cruce la salida se quedo el muñeco corriendo en el sitio, y quizás x eso se buggeo. la segunda vez si salió corriendo normal y me lo dieron. Algunos trofeos sólo salen si escapaba por la puerta. No vale por la escotilla.
  • He vuelto a hacerlo y está vez si me salto.
  • Gracias ahora lo he entendido 
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