If you aren't paying attention you will not see the tail on the alien pulling back before lunging forward, this is entirely possible to avoid, the issue is Ping in all honesty. If the Xenomorph has chunky ping its nigh impossible to dodge the swing.
There's already 2 sound cue's one for the charge and another for the attack, its entirely plausible to dodge it but you need to react fast or at least be paying attention to the alien to see the tail pulling back.
There's a plethora of ways, though its entirely reliant on how good the player as at killer & as the Xenomorph. I've learned doubling flame turrets around a gen essentially guarantees the alien will lose runner mode if they try to go for one or try to hit you, but its a massive time waster and also cost heavy. However, its…
Your comment about there being a lack of a sound cue or lack of an indication is completely untrue. The Xenomorph has 2 sounds to audibly warn the survivors of the tail being used, one for when the tail is being charged and the other for when the tail is being swung, The window is very short, but it is entirely audible and…