Since the latest update I’ve noticed I’ve had poor connection with quite a few killers and lag so bad to the point if I do any action I’m scared I could disconnect. Is anyone else been having this issue? I’ve played other games and it seems that DBD has been the only trouble maker for me.
Thank you guys for reporting it I hope they fix it. Ive had nothing but issues with DC’ing since the latest update. Please fix this dbd. Mobile seems to be the only one that wasn’t affected
Yes I’ve had constant DC issues with servers disconnecting too
I noticed it mainly happened with the latest patch update. I have no issue disconnecting from other game servers. I’m not sure if this is a console issue
I’m glad I’m not alone on this! I’ve also have been having DC issues on mobile, PS4, PS5, and Switch. I’ve only had this issue since the recent update using wireless. I tried using the Ethernet cable method but I I still keep DC’ing! :(
Yes I’ve been having this issue on my ps4, ps5, switch :( please fix it
Yes I’m also having issues where it’ll show the killer and I both disconnecting. I play on PlayStation 4