I do love a bit of Discordance for exactly the reasons you highlighted, it's become a new favourite lately when I was trying different Ghost Face builds.
Agreed! It's super annoying when you dump a load of BP into a killer already at 50 that you don't want the prestige skins for.
They can't stop you and have no reason to want to either, work away! Enjoy yourself & then post up here.
Nice, I'll have a watch in a little while when I'm eating dinner :)
Nice work! I'm just learning to draw, it's inspiring looking at other people's work.
Sounds fun, I likes it! I'm a big fan of the banshee myth & always hoped it would find it's way into the game.
I came to the forums today looking for Spirit tips & this seems like a good setup to try out. I love the idea of The Spirit but am terrible with her, hopefully this will work well for me!
Excellent points by OP & well articulated.