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  • Everyone's wanting Coldwind Farm. I'm tired of Blackwater Swamp maps. They need some rework just to zest them up a bit. I think the gameplay is getting stale.
  • "If the game is not fun, then why bother?" I agree to an extent. I always tell myself that if I am getting frustrated, to get off the game. There's no point in playing a game that just gets me upset. But I will always wait to stop playing until the match is over. I believe that it's incredibly selfish to DC during a game,…
  • Oh my goodness! Yes! I hate Badham, it has recently become my least favorite map right next to the meat packing plant. I played for about 5 hours on Friday night, and I would get 3 Badham maps in a row, then one of the other ones, then 3 Badham again. Ever since they added the doors to the preschool, I don't even bother…
  • Honestly, I believe in supporting the products/brands/companies that I like. I like DBD, and I want to see it thrive. The big thing for me is communication. If the Devs would reach out honestly to their fanbase and say, "Look, we're in a pinch and we want to do x-y-z" then yeah, I'd be happy to make a contribution. That's…
  • Hi! I've been playing DBD for about 3 years. If you're on Playstation and want to play together sometime, I'd be happy to work together and see if I can help more. My PS tag is MissUrbanGoblin. Without knowing your play-style or where your chase problems come from, here are a couple of tips for new survivors, or survivors…
  • For licensed killers, I too, would like to Candyman. A bee-based power, and the hook for his regular weapon would be awesome. Also, The Thing, would be cool. My friends and I have talked about how maybe it's special ability could be turning in to a survivor for a period of time. Maybe they look exactly like a survivor in…
  • Keep It Moving [Killer Perk]: Crows accumulate (x-amount) of times faster when a player is inactive. I thought this would be interesting to pressure survivors that are much more prone to hiding to keep moving. Not So Fast [Survivor Perk]: Upon leaving a generator, when the killer is within an x-meter range, the generator…
  • Yes! My friends and I have talked extensively about adding The Thing and this map to the game. I'm not sure what the logistics might be, but I think it would be awesome if the The Thing's special ability would be to somehow mimic a survivor, so that it would give that impression of it taking over their bodies. Could be…