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  • As a killer i dont care as much with the decrease of pallets but i main survivor and am not the best at running a killer and would really appreciate more pallets back, i understand balancing but i feel like its gone to far in the favor of the killer
    in pallets Comment by Moobz September 2020
  • Their is no way that these two things are helping game play. Adding DC Penalties has made the que Times for survivor at lest 5 to 7 mins, If i can go to the bathroom, go upstairs to my kitchen, make a sandwhich and come back in time to sit in the lobby for 3 more mins before getting in a game is not making this better, and…
  • But don't you tell a mod or dev this because they get mad and remove your post, they only listen to a few "Special" people in the community. And considering i've had this game since day one and bought at least 3/4 of the dlc for this game i thought they would at least listen to people who pay to put food on their table.
  • Salty killer, worst thing i've read all day. GG EZ clap
  • Dear Frankie, the point of this post is not to have to explain myself to people who will try and start and argument, I am merely trying to come up with a list of alternate games to play while waiting for a DC ban to pass, Please feel free to add to the list, Thank you.
  • Thank you, Appreciate it
  • I am not going to play your game, I will not respond to you any further.
  • Please feel free to add a game to this list, Thanx =)
  • My bad, I'm frustrated with things and when people call me a liar i take it as a personal attack, even when they can't see what happens in my game. Also previous comment happened b4 my page refreshed.
  • Please use your brain, at least i have a few people in the forum that have a decent head on their shoulders. Please keep trying to argue an invalid point, this is a lot cheaper than pay per view and i am getting my moneys worth. =D
  • Hey Mclightning it happens, it happened to me, you can tell me im wrong all ya want it can't change what happened. I was playing the game and it did happen to me, so hush and go back to class.
  • I just wish some people would quit living in a fantasy world, I'm done wasting time with your flawed logic. Ya know what that inncognito guys seems to know what he is talking about, but you aint arguing his point, like i said go back to school kid.
  • You must be democrat with that attitude, "no one cheats, It's impossible". You did need correcting welcome to the real world bud, now how about you get off your phone and pay attention to you 10th grade pre-calc class. Have fun in school.
  • personal attack no, just correcting someone who needed it =)
  • Im sorry, where you the worthless bill in my last game? Cause apparently you don't understand that it does happen even though it doesn't happen to you. And good for you, at least you dont feel like behavior came and cleaned out your wallet. And apparently there is still lag switching going on cause when i have a dedicated…
  • I'm mad when the killer is in range as soon as i load into a game, and immediately get hit, and no my ping wasn't bad like the other guy suggested. And also lag switching still happens servers aint doing anything about it, when you only invest 5 dollars into a server ya might as well not have one at all.
  • Man, only if devs could fix there broken game instead a trolling through there forums acting like they are awesome. When i spawn in and the killer is less than 10 ft away and i get hit immediately, how is that fair eh?
  • The devs dont care anymore about making it even or fair, im not trying to argue and there are exceptions but now i feel the devs are just milking as much money out as they can patch by patch, and i got the same feeling before evolve got shut down.
  • Yes i have, i play with out locator perks because i beleive it is a form of cheating but not the discussion i want to get into and i 4 man 80% of the time accounting for the people that dc.
  • I wish i had your lobbys, i had 3 in a row face camping the other day.
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