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  • That's part of the issue. I don't want the text either. In game quick chat or emotes I'm fine with. Other than that I would want to be able to turn off all forms of communication so as not to be harassed about anything. You are correct that I don't, usually, get told off for not using voice chat in other games. But DBD is…
  • This... All of this... Lol. I get told I suck in nearly every game I play, that has in game voice, and usually end up turning it off. It's nice to be able to come to DBD and not have to hear it an entire match. Give me the option to turn it off and I might not care. Depends on how many rude comments I get in end game chat…
  • I agree there. Hatch is completely up to rng most of the time. Minus the couple of offerings I guess those could be used to intentionally wait it out. But I don't think they should even exist because of that reason. I don't really have issues with tunneling/camping like I once did, I just find it unfun for both sides. Some…
  • See I kind of have a different view on it. Often times the first 60 seconds to 2 minutes completely dictates how the game goes. At least in my experience. That being said, I've had amazing comeback games as survivor, not in a long time, but it has happened. Nothing is ever going to make solo queue teammates do gens or…
  • I would say the situations may be different but the feeling is some what the same. Which is giving up because the match now feels hopeless. Hatch is really the only comeback mechanic survivors have. It's also probably part of the reason that DC's or hook suicides don't go higher than they already are. It's the only last…
  • That would be fine but still wouldn't stop a trapper from just walking back and forth resetting his traps. Especially if he's running an addon that injures the survivors. They'll be forced to run off and heal, then disarm the trap, then start again.if they even have time to get started. The regression speed matters most…
  • It would have to come with something to prevent killers from holding the gates. For the occasion where you get two gates close together. Trapper or any mobility killer could just keep them regressing.
  • Oh lord I remember when I first started playing. It was just a little before Leatherface came out. If we got hit with thana and the rare user of dying light it felt like game over lol. First hook felt horrible and got worse from there.
  • Yes. Basekit BT is no where near what original BT was. Being able to unhook and give both players BT was massive and very frustrating to play against. Also working in the endgame made a difference. OTR is the same. It's a good perk don't get me wrong but it's nothing compared to running old BT, DH, or the original DS. The…
  • To me, it is like "I think I understand the feeling". Everytime I try to run a fun build or something it feels like I get a sweatfest lol. Or try to run a healing build on survivor and get plague or legion game after game. I swear when matchmaking sees you are trying to good off or have a good time it goes "ohhhh nooo, we…
  • I haven't ran DS consistently since any of its old old forms. So I can't speak on it from my survivor games. I'm going on when I play against it. I can't remember the last time it had any effects in my games as killer unless I purposely burn through it. Which I tend to do more often than not anyway. I don't play to win…
  • I can't speak on your games or your experience but only from my own. In my games, if someone body blocking cost me 2-3 gens then I'm probably not doing well or I am playing against people above my skill level. They were probably going to get those gens done anyway. At most, the body block should cost me a few seconds of…
  • Oh I have no doubt that you can make it to them. It's still on the killer whether or not they decide to pick you up though or to stop chasing the other survivor. This is what we are saying. DS can't force a killer to let it activate. It's on the killer to choose that.
  • Unhooking in someone's face I can understand. It happens more than it really should. Though I don't really understand how time affects staying near the hook as it is more of a gamble. If the survivors are a coordinated team looking to win, they will just knock out the gens while the killer stays near the hooked survivor.…
  • I can definitely see the insta unhooks being a part of it. The rest though, I'm not sure. If gens are still being done during all this then they should definitely have enough info by just patrolling the gens on occasion. Otherwise it sounds like all the survivors must be near the person on hook. In which case they aren't…
  • Im not understanding how the healthy unhooker could have that much distance? They don't get the speed boost that the body blocker gets from the hit and if you were chasing them to begin with they shouldn't be that far ahead. On another note, I don't see why we all keep saying the unhooker. If that's always the case then…
  • Yes but if they plot twist off hook then they aren't body blocking. If they manage to bait you into a swing with it, then honestly, well played by them. But you still aren't losing as much distance against the first survivor on a missed swing compared to a hit.
  • I may be wrong but doesn't plot twist require the survivor go down without being hit? I've never ran it so I genuinely don't know. If that's the case, they aren't wasting your time with having to make a first hit or if endurance is in play, a second hit. It would be even less beneficial as now you are going to be even…
  • You are looking at it wrong. You won't be wasting time finding another survivor because you will have been chasing them the entire time. The point is that if someone tries to bodyblock with DS, you keep chasing the first person you were after. If they block you in some way, just hit them and continue chasing the first…
  • It absolutely would be. Before dedicated servers there use to be a similar program people could use but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called. It only showed whether you had that person, or their ip, on a block list if I remember right. But some people would write things down and make list. Either way I…
  • My favorite thing about the emblems is that I didn't have to kill anyone to get to purple or sometimes red ranks. I hate playing for kills and still do so I often play for two hooks and let people go. Now that leaves me stuck playing against newer or inexperienced players which I also hate. I've never enjoyed intentional…
  • Oh yes that is annoying too. I haven't seen anyone do that in a long time. There's just too much in between for me to know what/if any of that is bannable. Without an official response
  • I understand that they are unfindable under normal circumstances of locker hiding. But in this case they had loaded the area with turrets. At the very least it would give the killer a reason to search the area and lockers around it. As xeno they could even exit a nearby tunnel and possibly see their heartbeat when exiting.…
  • Yeah I kind of hate how they work. I wanna say someone could've just gone in and took them but that would've been a slow journey walking with them.
  • Yes but if they set all the turrets up there and stayed at shack, I'm not sure they were unfindable. I could be wrong, I didn't see the match. It sounds like they were just trying to be annoying. See, I'm not sure how the developers see this though. It would be nice if maybe @Peanits could chime in. To me, seeing teammates…
  • Im honestly not sure on this. I don't think there is any rule that can really apply unless the devs decide it can. It definitely isn't holding the game hostage if they could be killed and you knew they were there. I don't know how it could qualify as griefing either. There are no rules that say survivors have to play as a…
  • Yes, they should give her 115% movement speed and make it so she can blink, a short range, once every 30 seconds. Remove the second blink and now she is playable at every level. I guess maybe make one of her iri addons a second blink but she loses the ability to travel through objects to compensate. Will this make her a…
  • I stay quite often so that the other 3 will leave and I can offer the killer a sacrifice or hooks, if I think they were having a bad game. It is odd that killers often see it as BM when I do this. When I let survivors go, they usually seem to appreciate it. There are exceptions for both sides of course but these are the…
    in So explain Comment by Moonras2 April 5
  • I play one game of either side. If I had fun, I might try more. If not, I play something else or find something different to do.
  • The old BNP before all that was an instant gen completed. It used up the toolbox and addon.
  • I could get behind that. Even if it only made it to a PTB id love to see it tried.
  • I don't know if it would even be easy to put in the game but I'd like to add to your idea. I'd be for it if they made it so that when a survivor is downed while x amount of distance away from the unhooked survivor, it will deactivate DS. The number could probably never be spot on but it might differentiate between someone…
  • I have no issue with that either that I can think of. I imagine it would be buggy at first but what isn't buggy at first in games these days lol.
  • The issue here is that sometimes a killer may be tunneling but because another survivor is close trying to help the person being tunneled, it may still register as a protection hit. The scenario happens a lot where someone makes a bad path and the killer manages to get around or swing around them and still hit the person…
  • Sorry for the wall of text lol it started out short and kept going. At one time survivors did have something similar, just not basekit. The problem was they could be used in the beginning of the game just like tunneling, except they were stronger in working too quickly. Old BNP's. While I think they deserved a nerf, they…
  • Sorry I wasn't talking about seeing the killer or perks there in th second part. I meant seeing if they are in a swf or not. There's no reason to see it pregame if it doesn't give an advantage. I wouldn't be opposed to it showing post game though so people can stop speculating whether it was a swf or not they played…
  • So how about letting it show in the endgame lobby? No reason to see it in the pregame lobby or as you said with survivors, killers can also just change their builds. That's if they don't lobby dodge for an easier game.
  • I don't normally mind shack connecting to a pallet loop or maybe even two weak ones. I don't think shack should ever connect directly to a window wall though or strong jungle gym like this. The two windows create too much opportunity and the pallets can extend those windows far too much. I also don't think shack should be…
  • It's hard for me to say when the best time was because it's hard to know if I think it's gotten worse or if I've just gotten burned out over time. I would say for the role itself the best time was close to when I started which if I remember was summer of 2017. There were so many resources on the map that just two survivors…
  • That depends on what you'd call a massive buff. They could increase her movement speed to 110 or 115, remove one blink, and maybe even reduce her blink range or blink speed by half. Just giving her the basic m1 killer speed would increase her kill rates at the lower or average levels where many people don't seem to use…
  • Darryl!! We have a Larry, need 2 Darryl's.
  • I've tried to quit doing this. After several games in a row of running the killer for 30-60 seconds or more right at the start and not seeing anyone touch a gen, I end up doing it anyway and either playing killer or turning the game off. Some days every game I play feels great. Other days it feels like I'm playing with…
  • I'm confused by this. If you are able to resort to an unfun play style to counter an unfun playstyle then why add debuffs to one side? That still means one side can and will play in an unfun way against people who aren't. Such as a full slowdown nurse/blight going against a random solo group or any killer…
  • From my personal experience I've seen the server disconnected issue several times and have never gotten a penalty for it. I do however get them when our internet or power goes out. We get a lot of different types of weather that knock the power out several times a year so I honestly see it more than the server disconnect…
  • I like this idea. Might help prevent some of the hiding for hatch when 2 or 3 people are left and 1 or 2 are still trying to do gens. I wouldn't even be against the progress towards a good judgment regressing over time if the survivor decides to stop helping mid way. As it's stands to me, hatch is often the only feeling of…
  • Not sure there is a counter, it can be used in multiple ways which doesn't help with countering it. I tried it on hillbilly with dms, grim embrace, and pain res. Used it just for hooking a survivor and then zooming around the map for forcing survivors off gens. I didn't find it fun knowing they were making no progress and…
  • Long as it's "good enough" for playing outside of home or something then that probably isn't bad. Not ideal but at least something to do when away.
  • Thanks for testing it out and letting us know. UndeddJester mentioned some good points but there isn't really any perfect remote play that I've found. It also varies from game to game. DBD being an online game means you are using the PS5 for streaming to the portal, as well as, downloading/uploading while playing DBD. So…
  • I hit search for match and pick up my phone. Never even pay attention to lobbies lol
  • If that was a part of the game yes. I've used base kit bt to body block for someone else if they are on death hook and sometimes for no real reason at all. There is no reason a killer should be punished for that. As it stands I wish tunneling could be punished in some way but the more I think about it the more I realize…
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