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  • I haven't touched the game for months now and all I can say is I have been enjoying so many other games on my steam deck. Best decision I made. Not buying any more rifts, no more skins and spend so much time on a repetitive game that on top of that does not validate paying customer's concerns like we are actual adults and…
  • This was my exact same situation. Played on switch, moved to stadia, and then to steam (deck). I bought ALL DLCS tons of skins and rifts and have now stopped playing the game altogether with my friends and we are playing other games we can all enjoy on our choice of consoles. It feels like beating a dead horse at this…
  • Me an my friends all moved to other online competitive games. Im baffled with the lack of professionalism on promising steam deck support and then sweeping it under the Rug! I can imagine we are not the only ones dropping this game completely! Yikes!
  • Same! Word of mouth is still as powerful as years ago specially with social media connecting everyone. My friends and I have gradually moved to playing other online competitive games now and I feel we are getting over dbd. The lack of communication (REAL, raw and authentic) and not a canned responses has only fueled this…
  • Cue up the canned response "unfortunately we have nothing to share at the moment"
  • I've dropped the game and have been enjoying hogwarts legacy and other games on steam OS. I really hope the Texas chainsaw massacre ends up being amazing and works on steam deck. I feel super let down by the lack of actual communication and support for the Steam deck, while seeing other games work with easyanticheat left…
  • Same here. Bought it for switch and a lot of cosmetics, then stadia and all dlcs again, and now steam. I have stopped buying new things though. I also sometimes comment on YouTube when I see people recommending games for the Steam Deck on sale etc and I make sure people know it does not work because of easyanticheat and I…
  • Still in awe how, as a company you allow your team to announce support for something, let a year pass and have them repond with generic responses and feel that is acceptable... I lost hope to be honest
  • Steam Deck just announced it will open orders on Asia in December. Dbd is losing all that Marketshare plus existing steam deck owners. I skipped buying skins, this dlc and the rift. Imagine how many other people who are not in this forum are also skipping all content as well. Specially during the season where online sales…
  • Played a few matches yesterday and now its not working. Good thing I held off from buying the dlc and the new characters. Felt too good to be true and I wasn't wrong.
  • Its been a while since I haven't played the game and probably will continue this way. I loved DBD and spent a TON of money, twice for that matter, since I left all my stuff from the switch for stadia and now was planning on moving to steam. But the lack of support for the steamdeck is tiresome. The lentghy wait times to…
  • It's never gonna come to steam deck guys... What a disappointment
  • Completely agree with you. For me it shows such a lack of profesionalism to say something, not deliver, postpone things with no timeframe nor updates and continue as if nothing happened. Gives me overwatch flashbacks and how Blizzard handled the whole mess and the playerbase was upset at the lack of info updates. Steam…
  • It's getting noticed by other websites for the lack of support on the Steam Deck... Hopefully it brings some attention for it to be prioritized
  • Here is the easyanticheat website where we can specify and inquiere about Linux and specifically steam deck and mention it is not working. Maybe if they get several reports they will try and work around the issue and we can finally enjoy dbd on steam os and not have to install windows, cause in all honesty it takes you out…
  • I mean we could always leave a review with the score based on the steam deck lack of support and mention these concerns there as well
  • Postponing things for a few months is fine. Problem comes when it goes past a year, and there is no update or communication from the team. Once we have more than two things they announce, back track or procastinate on fixing it starts looking bad. * We were promised cross progression for console and pc. * Then they said…
  • Guys does commenting about any issues here actually do anything? It feels like we are just being ignored... I give up..
  • I think if we had constante communication and updates from the developers it would help understand the situation and we could wait knowing whats going on. But going mia and ignoring their own forums about players concerns, for months, to me says alot. I believe thats the problem with situations like these.
  • What's sad is that there has been no official update about this situation on their website or social media. Where's the communication? Like can they actually tell us exactly what is the issue, intention to work on it and timeframe? Saying something will come and just forgetting about it or making no mention for months or…
  • Dbd through Windows on the Steam Deck, if you're planning on just doing handheld is OK as it runs 720p 60fps more or less. Problem comes when trying to dock it and play on your TV etc. Its too glitchy. Windows doesn't feel as superior at all compared to when you run games on steam OS. Its an alternative but it should not…
  • I installed Windows just to test dbd on the steam deck. The experience is very unpleasant specially when trying to play docked on the TV. Audio running through the deck and not the TV. Image losing quality and frames. If this was my first time playing the game I would have gotten such a bad first impression cause its a…
  • Same. I've decided to not spend any money on cosmetics or dlcs anymore, if I cant play a game in a console of MY choice. It's sad we just get with statements like "we are working on it indefinitely or no estimated time for release". NO TIMEFRAME? . When you have no release date for something, it just means it will be…
  • I got my steam deck recently and ive just stopped playing dbd at this point. Not being able to play in the console of my choice is just disappointing. Its been ONE YEAR. let that sink in. Been playing other games like Apex who fixed their EAC right of the gate and it works amazing on it. Even overwatch 2 works without the…
  • I once read a comment about the reason as to why BHVR has not emphasized allowing DBD on the steam deck and in all honesty I think they might have been right. It all comes down to money. Think about it. People that own the game on steam will not need to purchase it for the Steam Deck thus not generating any new income for…
  • Omg Im in this exact same situation. I moved from switch to stadia, had to grind all the progress again for survivors p3 for all perks, new rift and skins from prime gaming, thinking when I could afford a pc id be able to have my stuff on steam and now I cant merge my progress cause it has been disabled for 2 months with…
  • Yeah. I began playing it on the switch with my friends, moved into stadia using a Chromecast cause I read about the cross progression so I thought to play on stadia and when I could afford a pc id transfer my progress. My friends and I played on stadia. Now I have my pc with steam but cant get my progress so ive had it…
  • Yeah Im also concerned since I bought dbd on stadia a second time after they said no Nintendo switch cross progression. I lost my hrs and skins but I grind all survivors to p3 on stadia, purchased rifts and skins with the intention of cross progression to steam when I could afford my pc and now that I have it, the merging…
  • I am also concerned about this, but my issue is that I linked my stadia account but have not merged it and now cross progression has been disabled for over 2 months and Im worried all the grind ive done to be lost. I played on the switched and left all progress and skins for stadia thinking when I had the money id…
  • Im actually a Stadia player and I did it solely cause I was on switch and wanted to move to steam but at the moment all I could afford was a Chromecast. I thought I could later sync my progress, but the merge option for cross progression has been disabled for 2 months now. I levelled all my survivors to prestige 3, and my…
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