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  • Unpopular opinion, I guess, but even though RPD was a godawful map pre-rework I still feel like it was way less painful to play on both sides compared to now.
  • Me, probably. I almost never get West, so whenever I do get it on survivor I'm always running myself straight into dead-ends or face first into walls that I expected to be doorways because it's 3x as hard to learn 2 different layouts for RPD as it was to learn the 1 single larger RPD layout pre-rework.
  • In addition to being generally considered more survivor-sided than East, which sucks when I'm playing Killer, I find this variant of RPD comes up far less frequently for me than East, so whenever it does I am constantly running face-first into walls during chase where I expect there to be doorways because I have only…
  • Not a terrible map, but it's very very difficult to maintain any real map pressure as killer.
  • Leans survivor-sided but not by a huge margin (except for some killers). Perfectly fine map, I don't understand why so many people hate it so much.
  • Love this map on both sides. Sucks on some killers, but that's fine. Good for game health even.
  • I like that some maps are brighter, don't change that.
  • My only complaint about this map applies to all Coldwind Farms maps equally. The color grading of the map makes it next to impossible for me to see auras or scratch marks with my protanomaly colorblindness. If I get any Coldwind Farms maps as killer, I already know I'm going to lose that game badly as soon as I spawn in.
  • Every time I get this map I feel like who wins is entirely up to if the survivors can play smart and work together or not (or if one of them happens to be a loop god, because then Killer just has zero hope). I've had hell games here, I've had super easy 4-Ks here.
  • Hard to judge since I've only had this map come up maybe 5 times so far. It seems fine I guess, I don't have any gripes.
  • Balanced map. Feels good on both sides. Never unhappy when it comes up in rotation. Could maybe use a couple more lockers.
  • Absolute worst map in the game by at least one order of magnitude. For a long time I thought RPD was the most confusing/impossible to navigate in the game. But then the Stranger Things DLC came back and I got to experience it for the first time and now I wish the ST DLC would disappear again forever ASAP. Every area of the…
  • I only have one complaint about this map, but it's a pretty huge one. Not only is it possible for the main building to be a complete dead zone for hooks, it happens way too frequently and savvy survivors know this and exploit it to drag out games. Even if there is just 1 hook that spawns in that zone, the building is so…
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