Exactly, that was the whole point to have something done about this as its clearly trolling and not intended... like just have the box reset if the killer within 1 meter for 30 seconds or something like that
Good luck with that if you ever come up against that. I orefer to dc and report, imo thats is the way to go against a toxic afk killer.. I won't waste my time on that trying to do gens solo in a infinite chain hunt
How come you speak for everybody 🤣🤣🤣 And you are wrong afk is a reportable offense
Saying this isn't a reportable offense is a lie, because being afk is and if you just stand on the box you are afk so there..
Ok so a coornated group can deal with it, but random solo queue is not that simple.. we had 1 guy dc after 2 min and by myself it was impossible ti cleanse the ruin and do any gens.. but yes if you are in a team I would be another story... but still they should make some changes so this is not happening
Whatever, enjoy being in a game like that.. in my opinion It's an exploit and should not happen..bit you guys seems fine with it.. I bet 100$ that every game I do that as pinhead will end up in 4 dc... 10 games in a row
He is just afk... just standing on the box you cannot cleanse his ruin and cannot finish gens.. even I'd you managed then the game would take an hour and would be the most boring game in rhe world...