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  • I can see why she'd be annoying with that stun on her. It gets old really fast I plan on getting her to 40 then dropping her after I unlock her perks
  • Thanks nickenzie, and I agree completely that it could over buff her. I'm sure if, hypothetically, the devs were to make this change, they'd give her a debuff as well as it would indeed completely throw her balance off Perhaps lowering the accuracy of her blink to where the area indicating where she could blink to, she…
  • I haven't come across this addon yet, but I'm only level 30, the only ultra rare I've come across on my web is the splinter to play freddy. I agree, though I wouldn't say common. Probably uncommon. It does some like it'd be a "must have" at least until you've completely conquered how her blink works.
  • Thank you bint. Very helpful. I assume we don't get to keep the auric cells/purchases? I've gone back to the normal servers because I'd like to keep progressing. Also, what does everyone think of the clown? I think he'll land somewhere between mid and top tier easily because he's God good disables. Personally he's not my…
  • I've been playing the nurse a bit since I last posted, trying to unlock the teachable nurses call for everyone. I've gotten a tid bit better with two 4-kill games in a row, my points are still usually high but I'm not getting pips other than those two games, not that pips are everything, not, at least, until I choose my…
  • Thank you everyone for your replies. I think that the hag will be my next unlock, it was going to be the doctor but hearing if she's played correctly the hag is high teir has me thinking that maybe she's the better choice, especially as this week's shrine got me the perk I wanted from the doctor (overcharge). Playing a…
  • I didn't know that, i thought her radius was standard unless you were crouching. Thanks for the tip. I'm most likely going to main her unless I get incredibly good with the nurse in the time it takes to level her up from 20-40 (i'm at level 20 now)
  • I went and started playing the nurse after posting the original post btw. I still suck with her, but I had 2 rituals with her considering I've been on the PTB for a few days and built up rituals, so I was able to boost her up a bit. I definitely have to get her to 40 regardless of my choice to main because nurses calling…
  • I like the tactics behind the hag. I'd like the trapper himself if he didn't have to gather his traps, I know she's low tier but having an ambush during a chase is a pretty cool concept. I know about the pig crouch speed thing. I think the main issue I'd have with the pig is crouching at the right time, although I think…
  • I don't own the hag yet, but will be getting her with shards after 2.0 roles out and I get some shards. I'll definitely consider her as a main after I level her up a bit and get to see how she works.
  • Right? First off, those characters are now going to be able to be bought with shards, making this argument a moot point and secondly they're not over powered or anything, they're just different characters with different abilities. It's no where near pay to win.
  • Thanks Worldconsumer.