Voice chat wouldn't work because people either wouldn't use it because no mic or all the toxicity. Not to mention it'd nerf stealth killers.
Lol grabs actually working, looks this comedian.
It's pretty wild probably going to go back to no crossplay so I don't have to deal with it tbh. Sick of not being able to pick up, hook certain survivors or being booted when I start lock in a win. The teleported are not as bad but still there. It's super obvious when I'm chasing a survivor, they run in a straight line…
If you want points play killer and reduce the q times🥳
During the crown event I let probably 30 people go with it. If I face a spud squad I also let one go fairly often.
Zero got it for free on release and paid for killers with free shards
My soul is not show on this doll you quack. TBH your liscence should be revoked...
It's not piss but it is an aged product from the same hole
I see it, just played a game where I hot blinded from really far away while I was looking up. So ya looks like it's an issue either way.
Ya about 5-7 times the past 3 days for me
I've been getting partial blinds from people behind me I've been walking away from, might be some spaghetti code.
This has been happening to me but only when I'm facing cross platform survivors and wrecking them. Didn't see this thread and made one myself but I just got a 15 min because it's been making me dc so much.