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  • You messaged me calling me and another survivor "######### idiots" and "#########" for cleansing against a plague. I had never gone against a plague and was new to the game still. The ironic thing is that you messaged me this as I was healing you to get up off the ground. ######### you. Your psn name is Malfunctional- just…
  • Also quit pretending you don't get bothered. It's clear as day and just makes you look worse that you deny it.
  • I played with you when we were both survivors and you felt it necessary to message me that I was bad. I didn't do anything and I wasn't even being bad I just wasn't being in the killers face like an ahole. You are just a bad person. Quit looking for sympathy. I hope every killer tunnels and camps you till you give up…
  • The clown lacks hard map pressure but in a chase he is one of the best killers. Use the bottles to cut off loops or secure a hit. The general play style i use with the clown is to secure a hook, pop a gen, gen patrol to find a new survivor, chase them. Then the cycle starts over. Always make sure to reload either once you…
  • Depends on your rank. If you are on the high end then probably you should stop, on the low end survivors would probably really appreciate it.
  • It is absolute nonsense how hard adept is for killers especially considering how bad certain killers perks are.
    in Adepts Comment by Otwell121611 July 2019
  • Your main goal is to avoid getting marked and kick him out of shroud. When he's on you try to use cover to stop the marking and keep eyes on him to try to kick him out. Make him have to come to you so you just have to engage in a normal chase. If he's marking you from a distance and you have no cover take the time to gain…
  • Franklins and an ebony mori. Tunnel and camp. If you can bring leather face so you can prevent cheeky unhooks. Or run GF just for the tbag potential.
  • The ebony mori needs to remain the same. It's one of the very few things that will make almost any survivor get a little nervous. It's ultra rare so it's hardly an issue in terms of how often a survivor will see one. Even then, it can be played around easily if the team is good enough. I don't know if I'd call them fair.…
  • Sounds like myers would be good for you.
  • I actually do play both. I got up to rank 12 last season just to show you that i have put in time as survivors. Thanks for the cool quote tho.
  • Tried to. Turns out playing your first game as nurse at rank 8 with 1 perk wasn't wise. Never gotten more bullied in my life. Dude even messaged me after to keep it going. So for now I'll stay away from nurse. Thank you tho.
  • I've been working on getting adept for my favorite killers and can never get it. I've gotten 6000+ in all categories with a 4K with at least 2 gens left and still nothing. I decided to try to get adept on some of the survivors. I'm on my 7th adept survivor in under a day. It's ridiculous how easy everything is as a…
  • One of the best things you can do against GF is play around cover when he is on you. Focus on denying his stalk and kicking him out of night shroud. If you can do that he's just a basic killer. If you see him coming at you then run and play around cover.
  • If hes camping then just do gens. If not then run him around far enough so the hooked person can get away. Run borrowed time to help save the hooked person. Take advantage of loops that are hard for him to chainsaw you at. If he consistently rushes back to the hook then split up and make him guess who's who. He can't chase…
  • I mean tbh I only bring a mori if i see every survivors with tool boxes or something like that. Nothing is better than a 4K with moris against a swf. I think moris are fine. They serve the purpose for me which is to punish toxic survivors for trying to get an ez win.
  • Yeah that's exactly what they do.
  • My highest leveled are legion(50) and billy(36). After that its gf and leather face both at 25. I have most playtime on legion. I'll try to meme around more but damn these survivors just don't mess around.
  • I play on console so thats kinda hard but I'll give it a shot. Thanks man.
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