The average time to wake someone up using a clock is around 8 to 10 seconds from what I've seen, and is not one match, is pretty avarage around multiple maps, but I do agree they should remove the ability that allows Freddy to teleport to survivors in the dying state by only allowing him to teleport to survivors that are…
I agree on most of these but they need some tweaks except the snare that needs a slight nerf, the rupture is fine they just need to make pallets not being glowsticks making them look exactly like normal pallets, the snare doesn't need a buff probably a slight nerf to the CD between snares and the teleport needs to work on…
Changes: I would reccomend Survivors can no longer see which are dream pallets, Freddy can not get stun by dream pallets, reduce detonation delay to 0.5sec or 1 sec, increase radius by 2 meters and if a survivor drops them when pallets are deonating suffer a 10% hinder for 6 seconds I like the idea of getting hinder in…