Lore doesn't matter, I guarantee .5% of players actually read and care about the lore.
Exactly, this doesn't affect gameplay, and hoy do you know if it affects me or not, you know nothing about me besides that fact that I hate the fact that BHVR would rather invest in a creative team producing content instead of increasing their investment in quality of life work.
How am I closet bigoted? Explain where I said I wish any harm towards any of the LGBTQ community. I didn't, you simply can't use a logical argument against me and instead are calling me a bigot. You know nothing about me, you know nothing about my life. You don't know my race, sexual orientation, or anything else for that…
Ikr because I care about quality of life and not the wasteful cosmetic aspect of a game which already has big quality of life issues. Oh and I am not in an echo chamber
I am claiming that this takes time and resources and budgeting away from teams who can actually fix gameplay issues.
And all your account is filled up defending useless addons to a game with has nothing to do with sex or sexuality but you just have to have it added to make yourself feel better. It is funny how you behave as though I hate LGBTQ people when in reality I am against BHVR making an aspect no mater how small about someone's…
And it would make me happy if the obvious problems were fixed but no, sexuality comes first in the game where sex means no but crap that actually matters, no no no that can wait. making a small part of this community happy at the expense of fixing problems that everyone complains about is a serious problem. BHVR doing this…
You literally didn't read anything I wrote did you? "So of us are trying to enjoy pride month" like what, by playing a video game what 4 people are hunted down and killed, what a productive way to be proud of who you are.
Why do they have anyone currently focusing on adding charms or anything like that. If all of these different teams actually focused on what is important or maybe idk hire more people to focus on what is important, then maybe something might get done without the community needing to wait 6 months-3 years. Plain and simple…
They still go into the game and change the lore, they add useless charms. Personally I don't want them to add any charms, skins, anything until fixes and changes are made to improve quality of life
There is zero reason for sexuality to be discussed at all in this game. Idc if a person is straight, gay or anything else. The goal of the survivors is to do gens and get out, not do get have sex then get out. this is clear pandering and anyone who wants this sexual inclusive crap doesn't actually care about the quality of…