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  • Your first post said “people like you” assuming that I was just being a baby about killer tactics that I didn’t like. I’m talking about actual toxic moves but if you can’t understand the difference in a discussion like this, then you’re exactly the person I want to hear from. what would be your definition of a killer being…
  • Have you played as a survivor lately? I didn’t experience all this toxicity until recently and it’s been pretty bad. You bring up some good examples of using camping or tunneling as part of a strategy which is probably why you don’t have toxic survivors messaging you after the game. I don’t see those methods as toxic. what…
  • This is exactly what I’m talking about. Where are these ppl coming from that decide they want to ruin the game? Like if you wanna DC when your teammate is toxic like that, that makes sense. But DC’ing 2 minutes into the game because you lost one chase? I’ve seen that so much lately and it just ruins the rest of the game…
  • You must be a red rank killer/survivor. You don’t need to camp and tunnel the first person you find in the game when you’re a green rank. Unless you’re playing a bunch of SWF groups, it’s usually 4 randos in a lobby that aren’t communicating and it’s not that hard to win without camping and tunneling in a toxic way. Again…
  • Isn’t that kind of the problem with the game anyway? There’s all these OP perks and stuff to combat tunneling and that’s why killers use it? I never use decisive because I actually want a challenge and I want to get good enough at looping that I don’t need extra help.
  • so let me clarify. If I’m in a game and it’s clearly not going the killers way because the survivors are doing well, I understand camping or tunneling in an attempt to win. However, I don’t understand why people do it right off the start. whenever I play killer, I only decide to camp or tunnel when A) there’s a survivor…
  • The last few days have been my worst experience playing DBD. So many toxic survivors and killers. If I’m not getting facecamped or tunneled one game I’m playing with a teammate that DC’s or points me out to the killer. what is wrong with these people? Does it do anything if you actually report them? I have clips of people…
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