This dude is actually complaing lmao
Why dont devs just at the bare minimum (for red ranks) atleast add a extra 2-5 seconds for gen completion?? Doesnt seem much but atleast its a start
Honestly i like the new changes but he still sucks I think just a few more tweaks and he'll be "fair"
Dude exhaustion perks are not suppose to have any affects when you are exhausted Fine might as well give lithe 75% vault speed even when your exhausted Might as well give sprint burst 75% base movement speed Even when exhausted for survivers and make scratch marks go away quicker Im sorry honey are your feelings hurt? Ok…
I dont think theres nothing wrong with moris. Kills rank gets hurt using them.
I would love for this to happen but because DBD servers still suck even with dictated servers i honesly wouldnt want this cause i have gottin disconnected from games for no reason Best bet and safest is to just a XP and BLOODPOINT penalty for people who disconnect
I don't think theres anything wrong with that because you have to be in the dream world for them to work
Can we get a buff for legion Doesn't even have have be a buff to the point he's high tier atleast mid. Also i can atleast agree with the tier list tbh
I think theres more important things to want than ur little scratch mark thingy Like balancing the game my guy