+1 Any time any teammate performs a fast vault, even if none of them have the perk themselves.
Pretty sure this is a longstanding bug that has probably been reported before, but the search function is quite frankly awful to use so you wouldn't be able to tell.
Happens in legit 80% of my games.
Had it happen multiple times very randomly, only since the engine update.
Just had this happen, probably the same bug from back when tomes used the randomized perks and you had to swap to anonymous mode for it to actually work(was never fixed)
Did the killer swing as soon as they picked up? If so that can prevent the stun from triggering.
Happeened to me on eyrie as huntress, so probably just a universal huntress bug regardless of any other factors.
Counts slugs as "teammates" for the sake of the meter not working, some killers legit down a person and drop them under hooks so they can get 2 free kills.
Has occured in another twins game, different player, purple speed addon and sword again, though I doubt it is anything to do with the addons and more just the code for the recall time change.
There are hacks similar to this but also bugs/exploits regarding picking up while doing specific killer abilities, namely if you rev your chainsaw as billy and pickup on the same frame a lot of weird stuff happens such as being able to move while hooked, and being completely unable to be saved.