I'm not understanding why everyone is saying that the survivors " don't have time to do dull totems". There is no time limit to how long a match can last (though I think there SHOULD be a hard limit, but that is a discussion for another thread). I agree that it feels cheap to have NOED activate even after face camping your…
Perhaps another way to balance Boons is to give them a time limit. Say after 3 mins of burning, they auto snuff out, and would require more survivor attention to reactivate. I agree that Boon's effects are strong, but we have to keep in mind that if it were not strong, there would be no incentive to activate them. The…
What if the only change needed is that newly spawning Hexes override Boons if no Dull totem is available?
What are you talking about? In grey and yellow ranks, gens still get done at least to some extent. if you are telling me that grey/yellow rank killers can hold the entire team off of all gens for 10 minutes, there is a clear skill imbalance between the two sides, and ending the torture in a "mercy rule" sort of situation…
I have long thought DBD trials should have a hard time limit of some kind. The "no pressure on survivors" approach that we currently have is too lenient i think. If anything id recommend the game timer start at 10 min, and additional time is added every time a gen is completed (probably like +3 min). If time runs out at…
Remove ability to throw yellow bottles. Allow Clown to drink the yellow bottle for a 10 sec speed boost. Only 1 yellow bottle per reload. Can only carry 1 yellow bottle. Speed ends if clown interacts with anything, or swings his weapon.
The nose is a tiny bit big compared JLC, but otherwise it's an excellent likeness.
Weird, might be tired to my specific steam account.
Playing the game isn't mandatory or "compulsory" either. Saying that you aren't forced to grind its a lofty position to take one you've already played for 100s or 1000s of hours, unlocked the majority of perks and have the experience and game knowledge to preform well when without them.
I think a lot of posters in this thread are remembering old Freddy with rose tinted glasses... The inability to interact with survivors prior to pulling them into dream state was a complete shitshow and constantly resulted in Freddy waiting for the transition to finish before being allowed to attack, grab, etc. Y'all can't…
Sounds like it could be a perk: Survivor Perk: Self-Sacrifice If you unhook a survivor in their struggle state, and you have not yet been hooked, you transfer one of your hook states to that survivor. Only works once, but each survivor could theoretically transfer 1 state each to a single survivor and potentially give that…
May I point out that BHVR has been taking MMR data for over a year now? No doubt they are updating their algorithm a lot, but wouldn't a year worth of data be enough to figure this out?
Voice coms in a SWF is not explicitly cheating, but the advantage it gives is the same magnitude as a wall hack cheat. Anyone who denies this is wilfully denying reality or simply not utilizing the tool in an effective manner. Even if your team is "just shooting the #########" on Discord, it is disingenuous to say your…
Thanks for the reply. I that makes me more curious as to why the slasher and horror genres in general are popular with LGBT individuals.
Genuinely curious, what is it about DBD that has made the game especially popular with the LGBT community? Given that the existing characters are not explicitly stated as part of the LGBT community, what makes DBD different from other games to attract LGBT players?
I am purely speculating, but does "The Trickster" translate into something in Korean that has a different meaning or cultural implication than what it means to English speakers? I have a hunch, based on the lore, that "Trickster" refers to something in Korean that we do not understand.
That is pretty convincing...
For your troubles
Try to keep the toxicity in- game, Thanks.
All arguments regarding a colorblind mode benefiting non- colorblind players are nonsense. If you are meant to see something, you should be meant to see it, even if someone else can see it "better".
How are PC players supposed to accommodate for console FPS drops?
This looks great! Since the art team seems to be the most proficient part of BHVR, I imagine they could knock something like this out in a week or 2.
I have to say, I really like the horn and accordion part, but am not a fan of the drum line and whatever instrument is playing at 1:45.
The wording used in the Dev update imply (to me) that after the Antidote hits the ground there is an activation time till it gives the benefit. This would likely make throwing speed bottles at your feet ineffective depending how long the gas țakes to give the buff.
@Peanits how long does Antidote take to activate?
Why is it ok to tell the killer "ok you can lobby dodge, but you will never improve, or are low skill killer", but killers are not allowed to say "you'll never improve if you only SWF with your friends every game"?
I wish more people would read this and understand that this is the core, fundamental issue that plagues DBD. SWF, while of course always meant to be in the game, likely never truly intended to be played with voice coms. Why? Because if they wanted the information coms bring to be shared freely, they would have built in…
A 7 yr old playing DBD? #########, I'm no prude, but isn't DBD a bit violent for someone that age?
As much as I agree that I'd love to do multiple challenges at once, this actually has the negative side effect of making the rift take even longer. By forcing us to do 1 challenge at a time, we pay more games, and therefore progress in the rift more. The moment you allow multiple challenges to be done at once, you'll…
I like the reworked Autowreckers maps, except for the walls that are made of pure cubes. Gives me a minecrafty feel, and it seems misplaced that the geometry is so perfectly square. The old walls had holes and bumps and imperfections that had a more organic feel.
Last time I heard a complain about the entity bubble and it obstructing the survivors view, the dev response was that this was intended. They did not give a specific reason why.
Couple things that are important: 1) Obviously play 1 survivor and 1 killer game each day. 2) After step 1, focus on playing whichever role has the shorter queue time (you should generally know this or figure it out via your first 2 games) 3) Turn on your phone and open whatever app you have that can set a 10 minute timer.…
If you haven't played killer, your killer rank will reflect that in your main account. Not sure why you'd need a new account to play killer in that case.
This is a known bug and is slated to be fixed in an upcoming hotfix or patch.
I appreciate your and Fibigean's efforts in capturing the content of the streams. Both of you have done good work!
@GoodBoyKaru why do you need permission to watch dev streams and take notes?
These clips are gold. I have similar ######### happen to me when using hillbilly's chainsaw .
The OP's idea, while lacking in some detail, merits a conversation on the basis that it would push the game into a more team oriented focus, and give solo players a reason to stick around and help their "team". Refocusing DBD into a team game, rather than a clusterf*ck of solo idiots, will ultimately allow for proper…
Mimic gens, lol nice.
This idea sounds promising.
This has been a fundamental problem of the chaser emblem from day 1. For some reason, exposed hits and chainsaw hits don't count for double, and constantly screw the killer with their chaser hit counter. It has been asked and brought up countless times and, to my knowledge, has never received a response or explanation why…
I don't think there is a numerical number that can express how low on the priority list this is for the devs. It is an excellent idea and addition to the competitive side of the game, but is never likely to happen.
The fact that anyone engaged in a conversation with someone who thinks DS and Tinkerer are equivalent perks is laughable. DS is worth a health state, value that tinkerer doesn't come even close to giving.
Anger and frustration in DBD largely stem from two main places (in my opinion). One is from the game not functioning as expected. This takes many forms, but is mainly through bugs or latency. Very few multiplayer games I have played have generated the number of bugs/latency issues than I have seen in DBD. I'm not sure how…
Ethan most certainly plays. You can find his stream here:
Each Rift costs 1000 cells to buy the premium track. If you complete the Rift you get 1000 cells total back.
Some heroes don't wear capes... thank you.
This does not make any sense at all. People being home/out of jobs applies to both the corporation and the consumer. How are the average consumer supposed to afford digital skins to support a company while they are out of work?
Just had my wife patch the game and open store. Also got 1k cells. For funsies, here is my Auric Cell purchase history: Bought $10 -> +1100 Cells = 1100 Spent: -1000 on Rift pass 1 = 100 Refunded +1000 Rift Pass 1 = 1100 Spent: -1000 on Rift pass 2 = 100 Refunded +1000 Rift Pass 2 = 1100 Spent: -1000 on Rift pass 3 = 100…
Wonder if its a bug from last year's PTB where they (intentionally) gave us 1k cells to buy the Rift pass and test it out. Somehow it made it to the live servers?