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  • I believe the cooldown should be as it is. Besides, there is a specific addon that benefit from using all your powers and they are on cooldown. I believe u get undetectable. Lowering the cooldown would nerf it.
  • Meh. Community design contest is pretty boring and predictable tbh. I swear it's the same type of survivors that win. Only female survivors. Wouldn't be surprised if Sable wins if they choose the winner
  • I sure will. Especially with dh when i sabo right in their face.
  • No regress please. Like some ppl like to go for that close 25% gate open, hide then continue the gate when the killer leaves. It at least gives the last survivor a chance when the hatch is closed by the killer. And dont get me started on No Way Out. If a killer has that, your chances to escape via exit gate as the last…
  • I'm so sorry but it's Feng. As you know, the devs favor her more. So of course they will give her exceptions. As much as I love gabe, they have no plans I'm sure to make it unlinked, and we even tried to let them know. But, business is business. And money talks. So Feng can get away with it and even other survivors of…
  • There is definitely a new invocation perk coming. Even in the recent patch, they made sure to buff it before this next chapter. And they even hinted how the base time invocation will be a standard for future invocations as well.
  • I'm still surprised ppl still call it rank reset for almost 2 years now. It's not called rank anymore, they are grades, which has no effect in your placements with other ppl. That's MMR. And even then, the system will place you with anyone as a last resort to prevent waiting too long for a lobby.
  • I believe its bannable, but only if the killer player has gotten multiple reports with video evidence. This is a case where a single offense wont really do anything, but ive seen some infamous killer players that have done unsportsmanlike actions like that get temp banned by doing this multiple times. Guess all those…
  • Yea ......kinda gave up on that. Its been like over 7 months since they said anything about it. Even the perks being shown in the lobby on the right, some ppl still have it and others dont. You'd think they wouldve already decided on what to do, but you know....bhvr.
  • I mean. We should also be a bit disappointed that they ignored singularity in the cosmetic department as well. Skull merchant is getting fed with skins and tthey are literally just a chapter apart.
  • Somewhere on here a dev said it would be too complicated to disable a killer's powers and there would be issues with monitoring how it would effect strong and weak killers.
  • All are beautiful and handsome in their own ways of course. But my personal opinion lies with: Most Handsome: Gabriel. Most Beautiful: Jane.
  • Do you have like a game mode setting option on your tv? Thats been a problem for me in the past. When its off, inputs are delayed, but when i turn it on, there is no delay at all anymore. And this has definitely helped me when it comes to looping as a survivor
  • Me too as well. I set my fsr to 100% and docked. Also, i definitely recommend other switch players to play on ethernet cord as well. It literally helped so much with my connection when i used to do just wifi.
  • The way I'm just hoping for a shirtless gabriel. But unique recolor shirts of these.....I'm up for it too!
  • No no. I think I'm still gonna keep saying "usually" since the term I used it in didn't mean it was a guaranteed 100% that it would happen. And this patch was that case which is very rare. Besides, you shouldn't let something like this concern you. We all just use patterns to estimate not fully predict the exact date. If…
  • I believe someone mentioned it already here. But keep in mind these devs are still people with lives of their own, and its alot of work and time scheduling for these patches to release for ALL platforms. My assumption is that they had to postpone the hotfix patch 1 last week in order to fix the health hazard with a 7.7.0a…
  • Yea. I didnt go in expecting less bugs from the update to UE5. I expected more bugs because of it. But i understand its going to come with more bugs and more work to be able to at least minimize these bugs with hotfixes. Its just unfortunate that the community is getting more impatient when bhvr prioritized fixing a health…
  • Now they already made it clear they wanted to prioritize fixing the strobes of light over the bugs which you just have to try to understand. We obviously would've had a hotfix days ago and have the new modifier mode earlier, but I'd rather them focus on preventing ppl from possibly getting seizures from their game than…
  • Good luck with convincing killers to go with that. Cause even they complain already about survivors that hide. Especially with distortion. And given that aura reading would be limited in this if it were to ever happen, killers would complain more about their precious aura reading perks. Personally i hold onto, if it aint…
  • I don't blame them with that mindset. Keep in mind a killer has the power to determine the flow and the feeling of the match depending on any tactic they do. Regardless if it's tunneling, camping etc which ruins the experience for 4 ppl in the lobby just to make 1 person feel good in the game. But of course, always play…
  • And i do generally believe that the complaints of distortion players are overblown. Just because a survivor is able to stealth while contributing to gens and even saving others without getting detected by killer does not mean they are doing nothing "all match."
  • I find it so weird that survivors are condemned for.....hiding when its needed. Like thats also part of the game as well.
  • Oh Father Vile. I have a tendency to tunnel and camp any of the top popular survivors who keeps getting new skins. But its not my fault! I cant help it. The devs love and favor them so much. So.......i give my love to them too! And thats how i show it.
  • Well Wednesday and Thursday are special cases reserved for midchapters or chapter debuts ptb/live. But hotfixes are usually consistent to be the following Tuesdays afterwards. Usually 2 total hotfixes in-between chapters
  • The only buff I can see for visionary is taking out the cooldown or give it intensity aura reading depending on how far the generators are nearly done. That's it. Other than that, there is a niche difference between the two perks that gives different playstyles. A visionary user may just want to get on the first gen they…
  • Singularity main huh? Kinda wish he had buffs so maybe he gets more skins. Tragic
  • Now how you have a OTR profile and make this post? You gotta make it more believable!
  • I mean. People can deny and say this is an overeaction, but there is some truth to it. There is literally history and patterns going into this in order to maximize profits. And ppl in this forums use that same excuse to justify how they prioritize resources to certain characters over others. But im so used to their…
  • It's just so tragic to see this.
  • That does not matter at all. They already told us they can work on new content, gameplay and design new skins at the same time. Which is why they have seperate teams working on their part. Nothing gets taken away from each other unless it is within the same department being worked on in the same team. Which we definitely…
  • I definitely have tried my best to hit this home for bhvr. However, they rarely listen to issues like these. Certain POC survivors are not given the same marketing effort in their release and don't have much at the start. Then they are sabotaged with sets as their first store skins or not given many skins right after over…
  • Floods of rage? Well good for you. Now you can actually get value by actually earning it. Good choice.
  • Knowing bhvr and this team, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't respond and don't release this skin until much later when other slice of life new skins are made. It's jonah. They literally do not care for him. But if it was Feng, Sable, Mikaela or other popular survivors, you'll see it released very quickly.
  • Yup. I noticed that too. And they are so afraid to give newer characters recolors or even new skins in the rift that isn't their tome for some reason. The only newer OG characters that managed to be in following tomes that wasn't theirs was Tools of torment characters.
  • Yea. True on all that. But luckily for me. I don't have to buy much from this game since my main rarely gets much anyways. So in a way, it's nice that I can save money on other games.
  • It's also about how easy it is to make skins for a character. Bhvr have been slacking and relying on character's that's very easy to make skins for. Legion, trickster, SM I can immediately think of and not many play them. If your playrate is down and design is too complex like dredge or singularity on the killer side, good…
  • Like I'm so serious. We fought so hard for other less played to get more recognition for new skins yet they are falling back on the same survivors. But at least I can save money tho.
  • I'm pretty sure they don't really care too much for connecting lore. This chapter easily could've been for Julian, her best friend. But considering that Julian is a male survivor and won't profit more so than a female survivor that's goth, im not surprised they went with it at the expense of the lore suffering. We saw the…
  • It's perfect how it is now. And you have to earn it by being altruistic to get the full benefits. Which is pretty lore accurate to the character it comes from when it comes to protecting your teammates.
  • Listen. They heard the community's cry. Although they specifically said the buff wasn't to fix tunneling (in reality they support tunneling even if it's a playstyle btw), they know the community has been very vocal about how killers have been tunneling much more lately. It's good that it's back to 5 seconds since it can't…
    in ds change Comment by Quizzy April 18
  • They obviously got their PhD in the tutorial section. The entity forces them there before they go in those trials. And sure, dwight should be the only one to know since he is the only one playable. But good boi dweet teaches the others when they first come to the campfire. Mhm
  • Probably not when it comes to tome lore. There are some questions i definitely would like to know in the world gabe lived in. But that would need a wnd tome which i doubt will ever happen. All that can be added onto their lore at this point are from their cosmetics which is pretty limited
  • Well. If the team plans accordingly, they can still help you out for a quick escape. You keep the speed boost at least when they rescue you. So everyone needs to make sure to take hits for each other
  • I'm sorry you had to experience something like that. Some people in this community really go out of their way to do something like this over a video game. I go through it at times with just using no mither. Now unfortunately, I don't think the devs will do anything without video proof being sent. They really do stress over…
  • It's honestly up to you. I don't recommend working with the survivor to find the other because you risk getting that survivor to get reported if they have video evidence. Not supposed to work with killer. Also, there is usually a misconception about someone hiding. Just because you as a killer didn't see that survivor all…
  • Nobody has a huge issue with the design of her powers. Ppl blame their teammates more so than plague when it comes to getting her powers if she doesn't have add ons that give it to her without anyone cleansing.
  • The way I could never take this game seriously. Thank goodness. I at least know there is a person on the other side of the screen and aim to at least make it fun for other people. At times, I don't recieve that back, and that's fine. I just gg go next. Which is probably why I still enjoy this game while some people…
  • Hh. Sweet memories. Even the old days during rank people would say the same thing. "No variability. Same perks!" Blah blah blah. Still haven't changed one bit.
  • I still don't see it. Regardless, the benefits outweigh the negatives. Especially for more casual players who may not even play that much. And it will be great for them to be able to reach iri 1 quicker in the long run.