RIP bully squads 😂😂😂
Everyone dodging nurses now
Would be awesome if they get crows over their head in case they do not interact with gens in...5 mins? or so
cough Off the record
If someone use a dirty map offering ofc im willing to play unfair
Should you? yes. Should we? Nope
A full build for one perk and you want to nerf it? LMAO
If m1 killer: tbag at the exit gate If nurse/blight/spirit: kekw Nobody wants to feel frustrated game after game so...nurses&blights all the way
Easy, just leave instead of waiting just to push crouch key massively :)
Literally the OP
Thanks to this post I decided to play omegablink nurse this whole week
Nurse: Obv reasons Bubba: 4/5 bubbas are facecampers Legion: X D If i could ban a survivors perk i would ban Prove Thyself
This is embarrassing They do nothing for prime users anyways so...remove it maybe?
Ofc you guys gonna escape a lot. BHVR cant nerf the most broken perk of the game: Discord On a serious note: the buff to the regular killers should come with nurse/blight addons nerf. Thats a fact
Nurse = AFK/DC
As long as the game is fun, im ok with longer queues. Byebye DH abusers.
No more "E" to escape? Thats why you leave the game? :O
Wait more than a month and then cry
DH is broken NOED rewards bad killers Both of them need a rework
Bubba, Nurse, Clown (screen effect makes me dizzy)
Not joining SWF queue for less BP's? Im in
Bye surv
Do bones
Thanks for opening our eyes
Do not fall for this obvious bait guys
Cause it is a lost cause I had to laugh
Good bye.