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  • Than AGAIN, he would STILL be better than PH due to the fact that he would be faster have a longer range, about the huntress, he would still have his advantages over her like not having to reload, not being heavily penalized while aiming and also moving faster, deathslinger would still be better than pyramid head, would…
  • yes, 2.5 seconds is enough to get to the pallet in a small loop but that's why he would still be able to walk at 4.6 m/s or at LEAST 4.4 while aiming, and if he just pre aims on pallets the survivor could just react to it and pretend to go for the pallet and keep looping or just try making he miss since you know he's…
  • You can still walk while aiming tho, you know that right? and 4.6 makes it so much faster to get to survivors running away, it's not just about getting from point A to point B
  • he doesn't become a statue while aiming, he still moves faster than the survivor, what do you mean
  • there is a difference when something is unfun because it's just unfun (like people camping in cod games) and being unfun because there is NO COUNTERPLAY, also, 2.5 wind up time while still being able to move at 4.6 secs would still make it possible to use his power on shack, on L T walls, on cars and short loops, etc,…
  • Wind up time I just mean how long it takes for him to be able to shoot once he aims downsight
  • he would still be balanced, with the change I suggested, he would still have a nice power, he would still be better than wraith, better than pig, better than legion, than clown, than myers, than PH AND would be more fun to go against.
  • he would have a better map pressure then huntress, wouldn't need to go out of his way to reload on lockers, would have an overall better chase in all tiles, so he would still has some advantages over huntress, just like huntress still has some advantages over him, as it should be, one shouldn't be just the better version…
  • a "worse huntress" that has better chase, better map pressure, doesn't run out of bullets and have to take their time reloading in a locker far away, this is not a worse huntress, is a killer as viable as huntress, each with their own advantages
  • That literally doesn't fixes him, it's what I said, his problem IS NOT HOW STRONG HE IS, his problem is how UNFUN he is to go against, it doesn't matter how strong or weak he is if people are gonna have a bad time going against them, also 0.5 seconds for a RANGED power on a 4.6 killer would be EXTREMELY OP and would still…
  • dude thank you very, very much
  • lmao, sure dude
  • OH NO, such a BAD EXPLOIT, dude's there HOLDING M1, this is HORRENDOUS, we REALLY need to fix this TERRIBLE EXPLOIT that has no impact at all in the gameplay and might help people with problems like parkinson, arthritis, RSI and stuff like that, the game is RUINED because of this horrible exploit
  • yup, I usually use my mouse with my middle and ring fingers (instead of index and middle) but it`s a little bit unconfortable and while yes, I can just hold m1 with my middle finger it`s not as confortable as I said, and like, this esc thing was in the game since the very beggining I think and it`s not like an advantage or…
  • yeah, this game is so real, I remember when I got assaulted in real life so I dropped a pallet on the guy then flashlight blinded him and teabagged him afterwards, this game really is extremely immersive
  • I have a razer keyboard and a Logitech mouse and I can`t even make a macro for that because I can`t make a macro to hold the key down, only to press it multiple times so it isn`t even a solution
  • what are you even talking about
  • then again, you probably didn't read the answers, I said I don't want the hatch to be removed and the hatch is actually neccessary for the game, I just said that staying in the ground for 4 minutes without doing ANYTHING AT ALL is not fun at all for nobody involved and it IS something devs didn't think it would happen,…
  • exactly
  • I agree with you on this one too, I'm not saying they are incompetent, I'm just saying that this isn't and will never be a reality simply because they don't want to, they are getting enough money as it is and they don't really want to make some big things like this, as their history says, and I'm not even saying this is a…
  • That's exactly what I mean, I don't want a change to favor either killer nor survivors, I just don't want to have to wait for minutes on the ground while doing nothing, an option to just bleed out would be perfect.
  • no, I agree with you, the game should have more objectives for survivors since it's pretty basic and it didn't really change all these years, but if they won't add an option to just let you bleed out after a while voluntarily, imagine designing somethin this big
  • this is exactly what I mean, I don't want a change to favour either killers nor survivors, I just want to not have to wait for minutes because the killer is slugging, an option to just bleed out is perfect for me
  • yes I agree with you, it's an a**hole move to slug for the 4k and there aren't many benefits from doing it so, although it's on devs to design something that does not incentivize behaviours such as this one, just like in cod they design maps trying to reduce as much as possible the possibility to camp in one place (and of…
  • I didn't ask the hatch to be removed, I also think it is neccessary, but the way it works right now isn't fun incentivizing the killers to slug.
  • I kinda agree with you at some point, yes, I think it's an a**hole move to slug for the 4k and there aren't many benefits from doing it so, I also really hate killers that do slug for the 4k, the thing is that I can't really blame them, the blame is on devs to allow an almost unanimous unfun thing to happen, just like I…
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