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  • I see major problem with that idea. Some pc's are hard-equipped with mic (laptops usually) and will hear everything - you bumping into desk, someone calling you from other room or even *clack* *clack* of your mechanical keyboard.
  • Well, solo mode and party mode would solve a lot of problems. Slap some NEW objectives on the party mode, give killer ANOTHER power to use and change MAP DESIGN and everyone will be happy.
  • No-addons squad on comms vs red rank killers: Tremendous advantage even if communication is very casual and not really sweaty. Just watch it, 100 matches, very few loses.
  • No-addons squad on comms vs red rank killers. Tremendous advantage even if communication is very casual and not really sweaty.
  • I'm 70/30 surv/huntress main. Spirit always was a bane of my life, I hated her with passion... until I unlocked her (to take a vengeance on her and force other people to hate her too). My survival rate against Spirit went up a lot and I rarely die to her from that point. Now, since I totally suck at looping, I'll take her…
  • That's why Instead of asking for SWF removal I suggested limiter that will stop SWF (exploiting ones) domination streaks in their matches. If SWF get 2pips they certainly had ADVANTAGE over their opponent AND they'll have to INCREASE their rank a little bit by playing solo before playing again. Then they'll probably RANK…
  • I understand. Totally and truly. But this game is flawed. I know that people want to play with friends together but this game is not designed to handle outside communication. I don't fight players, I fight developers. It's not players fault the game gives them ability to overcome main obstacle that's part of game…
  • Thank you for taking a part in discussion. I highly value your insight on topic and innovatory approach on a balance of 3 sides of game in an asymmetrical game in which one side may gain an observable and substantial advantage just by teaming up and using 3rd party software. Your idea brings new hope that everyone will be…
  • Isn't playing solo a way how majority of players play dbd? Isn't game balanced around players playing solo and not having a way to communicate? I totally understand why people want it to stay like that. I would be totally with you if this game enabled cooperation by having communications readily available in the game...…
  • I didn't ask for Party removal. I asked for additional rules to prevent constant and intended exploitation of game mechanics without hurting honest and fair party players, solo players and killer players. But okay. Let's scrap whole idea and let me listen to yours. How to balance the game. If. there is well known ADVANTAGE…
  • "Punished" "by playing solo". Got it. Every solo player in this game is being punished.
  • So it's fine to punish someone that's playing against party that's not plaing the game by the rules? It's their fault for being queued with players that entity gifted with fifth perk called telepathy?
  • Or that. But implementing VOIP isn't going to solve all problems, whole game would need to be redesigned. It's easier to balance everything if for every 4 party matches surv have to play 4 solo matches. Is that so bad?
  • Who are you to force me to play against 4 red rank SWF with coms over discord while game was clearly designed to be played without any coms? And do not misunderstand me. I'm surv main. But I'm not gonna ignore problems that exist out there just because they don't apply to me. I see communication outside of the game as…
  • How can this punish anything? It stops SWF chaining if anything. No other penalties to players. No nerfs to addons and perks, no change in gameplay mechanics that would impact BOTH solo and SWF. No separate lobbies and indicators that would make other players dodge games. No BP/shards/pip nerfs, etc.