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  • Well then, I checked his videos (if he is really still up and running). He even shown several times his steam ID, for being cocky ass as he is. Behaviour could go for Youtube and flag his videos. Do something. This is pathetic.....
  • Wow really? Is this a thing now? How the hell is Zekeo still up and running? That guy should have been IP permabanned and if he would go for another account, hunt down and banned again...
  • Well, yeah, I was wondering about that too :'(
  • Wow. Ok so I am the villain here, doing damage to the game. Good to know. I am somewhat disgusted to be honest. Oh, and I watched those streams thats why I am posting this. They even admitted system is reworking and mostly not working properly now but sure, you can report in game. Stefan Horwath said they think about…
  • I want to be heard. So tell me the way to report players for cheating? In game? How to do that with video proof? I have no interested to be jury or executioner, I want devs starting to take anti-cheat protection seriously and guess what? They don't. Pls point me to the judges. I want to have their time to hear me out and…
  • Ok. Then we should push on devs to make in-game report system works, including adding videos to it. Or make oficial mail address to post it privately direct to devs. Or maybe a subforum here where the posts would be visible only to mods so they could push it to related dev. Something. In current state its not working and…
  • Pointless. They will say "report ingame". In game report system is not working. Its loop. You cant send it via e-mail neither. So its "do-all-you-like" to hackers. Sad. No, there is literally ZERO way to report players for cheating. In game report system dont even have category for possible hacking, if that would be case…
  • He had like bloodlust 3 combined with agitation all time, even just running around map or while carrying survivors and insta chainsaw. No addons or perk relating speed. It was extraordinary clear. That fellow video was also clear with half second pick traps and moving riddioucsly around map. I mean when you are triple…
  • My post got deleted too. I caught speed hacker on video, provided steam ID etc. I even found on steam forum guy who had same experience as me, adding his video of that hacker too. Naming and shaming should not be appling to posts with proofs, now it just protecting hackers. I guess its really time to move to another game.…
  • The Huntress. Even if I didn't agree to date her, she could simply hunt me for a date ;)
  • Well this is honestly a good idea. Specially now since you can unlock those characters without money...
  • Oh, welcome to DbD. Must be new there. THERE ARE ALWAYS EXTREME NERFS AND MAKEOVERS but this one would actually makes them game more balanced and if you are annoyed, maybe you should switch to killer side. Or maybe play another game entirely. Civ 5 comes to mind. Nuff said
  • So is this some guy streaming or actual tournament casting? If this is just some guy streaming, point me to another guy who is streaming the tournament so i dont have to endure the cringe talks and loud out-of-my taste music ;) That basicaly tells it, any time else you can choose your content creator, not this time - so I…
  • Preach it brother. I made a thread having similar issue with Space casting the tournament - unprepared, unprofessional and having wierd attitude about casting. Loud music intermezzos and more. I kinda lost it when the guy on the screen said he doesnt care about negativite feedback (I would see it about insults but…
  • Anybody with experience with this game and being able to actually stream in professional settings, really. I don't want to be all negative. Its great that BhVR is trying to push it on the big screen but these guys from SpaceEsports was just a mistake IMHO.
  • IKR? Overall these guys are punks that are not knowing what they are doing. The current FPS drops are just cherry on top (watching it now). I was thrilled for the tournament and now I am seriously dissapointed >_<
  • Yeah, I can feel your pain. I would even say that to most builds you got to include Ruin. Also the totem spawning and totem mechanic in general is chucpe. There are maps where totem positions are just not right - next to the generators or survivor spawn, open area shining and very noticeable from far away. Its like two…
  • BBQ and Chilli for having extra BP and aura read on killer Self care to be more self-sufficient on survivor
  • Hmm CS:GO comes to mind (ik extreme case with lootboxes) but still no for me. Also I think the prices would be then subject to a supply and demand of the market, some profits would go to Valve etc. I see some benefits to a common folk but think devs would dislike that :)
  • @Jack11803 I am playing on PC so I can't confirm anything on PS4. If thats true, sorry man, thats sucks :(
  • Yeah, I can confirm - you don't depip when killer leaves. Although I think this should be more visually inuitive than it is now ...
  • I would actually go with the new girl on bloke, Kate (specially if you got essential teachables from other chars). She's cute af. Well from your options, I would vote for Ace :) If you are a new player on the other hand, you should go with basic Claudette since Self Healing is meta perk anytime, anywhere - prolonging your…
  • Yeah, I think there should be Solo Mode for ranking as you wouldnt get artificaly boosted by SWF advantages as VOIP and such. Anyway, if devs wont like to split community, there at least should be BP compensation for accepting playing against SWS for killer