Did you check the killer's perks? if the killer is using stridor iron will is canceled to a %
They play chess against eachother and comment about how ######### up was that tunelling
As far as we know all the survivors are "good people" that don't want to kill anybody Exept bill he literally left a guy for dead to save his group (Get it? Bill... Left for dead... I'll leave now)
Nea went to the asylum to paint something there and ya know... So rebel teenager stuff But david, ace and kate doesn't seen to have any conection to their killers
If you play the killer tutorial once all generators are complete it says "NO, DON'T LET THE LIGHT IN, STOP THEM" (or smting like that) Looks like the entity does have something against light
Not sure, never heard this "map hack" thing before, my best guess is that he/she got high sodium chlorite and tryed to make an excuse for hiding in courners
I hope they either give us a small amount of auric cells or give a "free item from the store card" And also WHAT THE HELL IS THAT WHITE THING AT THE CLOWN'S BELLY?
He's right, on consoles you wait half an year to end up in a match with eithet a face camper or one of those killers that has a double agent in the survivor team (I can't count how many times i died because somebody at my team was speaking with the killer and giving him locations)
Maybe he got stuck in a courner and you downed him But devs already said that this isn't bannable since its the survs fault