Nope, I live in a modern country with nice economy. But the thing is, I'm not wasting many on useless things. Everyday I make tasty breakfast at home and I really dont need to spend enormous money on something, what I can do myself at home :)
If you are serious, then you are literally money waister... 10$ daily? Like #########. I hope you are just joking. Because I spend daily 1$
Definitely agree
No, he wont. From my own experience :)
Oh God, please no xD
Tbh I would pay any price just to look different than others. Its sad, but I hate having equipped the default skin. On the other side, I really hate when other survivors have some ultra-expensive skin what the killer can see from the other side of the map... Like some bright color clothing. Thats why I buy only dark…
I grinded all day and night to finish it
Yes pleasee!