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  • How dare people not work on Sundays
  • It's "discrimination" when it happens to killer players, but not to survivors? Because what you're describing is exactly what happens to survivors, and they find it totally normal, because it's how any other game works, you have bad connection so you get penalized for it, the alternative is to penalize OTHERS for your bad…
  • Yeah this is number 1 problem in the game for me, and I don't understand how it's getting so little attention. People on this forum took a lot of time explaining how the 3% of MFT was gamebreaking because it allowed survivors to reach a pallet just in time, but they keep radio silent when the killer gets this same…
  • The difference is MUCH LESS than 5%. At the moment, Nightlight's winrate is ~56.9%, while killrate is 56.6%. That's a difference of 0.3%.
  • The game IS killer-sided. Literally every public stat, tournament, and even the devs themselves have shown it is. It's only on this forum that people claim otherwise, but this forum is just special at this point. People here are uniquely good at twisting stats and finding creative excuses. We've even seen people…
  • Sorry but that's completely wrong. The binomial formula works if X is an independent event which is absolutely not the case here. In DBD the chance of survivor 1 escaping depends heavily on survivors 2, 3 and 4 escaping too. Your calculator won't tell you anything for that case.
  • This is a false debate. Killrate is the only objective data we have, and it is at 60%. Winrate is subjective, and prone to manipulation, because it depends of your definition of a win. But by association with other games, people often use the term "winrate" as "killrate", and it's a fine approximation, because if you…
  • This game is extremely unfair with regard to ping. It doesn't matter if you have 20 ms as survivor, because the game favors what happens on the killer's screen anyway, so if the killer has 500 ms, then you get hit behind vaults and pallets as if YOU had 500 ms. In contrast if you as survivor time Dead Hard correctly on…
  • It's because BHVR looked at their Excel spreadsheet and noticed her killrate is low so let's blindly buff her. They don't realize she's a a free character that's unlocked by default, as a result lots of beginners play her and make her killrate lower. In fact, you can explain almost all the killrate placements, by just…
  • Personally I hate facing Wesker just due to how badly he's affected by ping, like you think you are behind a wall but you still get hit by his power etc. I wouldn't mind this killer otherwise. The worst part is I have 20 ms of ping myself, but it doesn't matter because the Weskers I face always have 100+ ms for some reason.
  • Albyaround attempted a soloQ survivor streak ~6 months ago on his stream. He tried for a full week then gave up. Not only did he fail to achieve more than 5-6 wins in a row, but the last day was so bad that he couldn't even win a single game anymore, his teammates kept suiciding on hook and every single killer was slugging…
  • Survivors tbagging during moris is a fun little interaction. It blows my mind that you can even remotely think that's a problem
  • MMR is bad but incompetent balancing is most of the reason why we're there. There were so many unfriendly changes for casual players in the past 2 years (eg. Self-care nerf), which competitive players did not mind but have resulted in a lot of low-MMR players leaving. And as a result, matches get sweatier for both sides.…
  • We see the results of BHVR balancing for high-level players -> player count at an all time low, casuals are dropping the game, and imo the game has become unfun on BOTH sides because you're constantly facing hardcore players.
  • Yes, against the top 0.01% best players in the world, Legion is not viable, but you aren't facing these players at all, otherwise you could have at least recorded a clip where you don't 4k at 4 gens. Or even better, record a clip of YOU playing survivor and looping Legion for 5 gens. And yes I know you can sometimes find…
  • Otz and Hens hosted a tournament with no restrictions for both sides, and killers still had 60% killrate on average. So no, you're wrong again. I give you that killers in this tournament weren't playing Legion, but they were facing tournament 4-man SWFs with 4 syringes every game, and you aren't facing that. At least,…
  • According to this forum, all survivors are bad. When BHVR massively buffed killer several times and revealed that the killrate was 60%, it was still because the whole survivor playerbase was bad, not because of the buffs. When Otz achieved a 30+ winstreak with every killer and random perks, it was because he must have…
  • Every time a new perk comes out, content creators publish all kinds of "OP" techs and exploits with it, that's just clickbait for views. Then everybody forgets about the perk because it's not good. That super secret "infinite window tech" is already known, in fact it was used as clickbait title waaaaayyyyy before Champion…
  • I have to admire how every single time there is a "new OP survivor tech" yet still the video ends up with that survivor dying. So the survivor had to equip Champion of light AND fixated AND hope AND a flashlight just to do this tech AND he still died against a Blight who doesn't know what he's doing. Wow that sounds OP.
  • Ok fair, but how exactly does it matter to this conversation that you gain 5, 20, or 42000 MMR per kill? The point is that the max possible MMR gain is the same for both sides.
  • There are a unusually high amount of toxic people who play this game, maybe more than 50% of the playerbase. The "simple" mindset to have is to disregard these people, and play for the other 50%. Might sound hard at first when you get teabagged game after game but think of it this way: If you treat survivors respectfully,…
  • The "convoluted" part of your system is NOT that you gain different points based on your opponent's MMR. That part is obviously normal, it's how MMR works. The convoluted part is that you want to intentionally match people with different MMRs against each other, in order to achieve a 60% killrate through unbalanced…
  • I said "you gain up to 20 MMR". Not a flat +20 MMR. Assuming you misread this part of the message.
  • 1) No definitive proof since I don't work at BHVR, but strong evidence, yes. Your system could theoretically work but it is way too convoluted. We know that MMR gains are symmetric +20 / -20, that the initial MMR system from 2021 was tuned for 50% killrate, and that Peanits has NEVER mentioned something like what you're…
  • They can do it, but they haven't done it. It has been datamined that one kill gives you up to +20 MMR, one escape -20 MMR, and hatch 0 MMR. Since the numbers are symmetric, it's pretty clear that MMR aims at a 50% winrate. Besides, I doubt it's as easy as you think. First there is a problem with hatch: a hatch escape…
  • I guess we should ask these top players directly but given that half of the matches are just: (1) killer gets a down in 10 sec, (2) survivor DC's, (3) Five painful minutes of cleaning up the 3 remaining survivors - there's a chance they wouldn't mind 10 minutes of queue to not get these pointless matches. Again, picking…
  • I think BHVR's intent is exactly what they said: to make the game feel like a horror game, while still keeping it relatively even. Sounds good in theory. The problem is that in practice, I suspect it's not at all what happens in game. Possibly they accidentally broke MMR, as it still tries to achieve an illusory 50%…
  • In OW2 the casual queue is much more chill than your average DBD match. Not completely sweat-free, but much less than DBD, and much less than OW2's own competitive queue. In contrast, in DBD, I've already faced tournament players myself a few times and if you look at tournament streamers like Momo7 (the guy who has 2000…
  • Winrate is practically the same as killrate, over a large amount of matches. This winrate vs. killrate nonsense is just a forum thing to artificially make the statistic look lower, by counting 2K as a draw for the survivors but still a loss for the killer, then they say the killer winrate is lower than 60%. But this is…
  • "The best players will win the majority of their games. That's how it should be" In DBD, the AVERAGE killer wins the majority of their games. Not the best, the AVERAGE. In contrary, the best survivors don't win the majority of their games, unless they're top 1% in 4-man SWFs, that's what the charts say. Have you seen them?
  • I'm glad someone is here to provide a theoretical, hypothetical and completely unprovable explanation for the statistics: the thread was really lacking those. Furthermore, explaining statistics after they have been published is a notoriously hard thing to do as we all know. I'm sorry that you don't like my use of the word…
  • Not a comment on game balance itself but just a reminder that BHVR's justification for the 60% killrate makes absolutely no sense in a game with MMR. MMR's job is to keep the killrate at 50% regardless of game balance. You could make killers move at 2x speed, the overall killrate would still be at 50%, the system will…
  • MomoSeventh has a 1800 winstreak running on blight and he only uses the speed add-ons. If a guy manages to never lose for a full year and literally REFUSES to use the best add-ons because he thinks it's too easy, I'm sure you can adapt too especially considering how much you bragged about your skill in this post...
  • DS is a good perk, but it only works against a tunneling killer, and if I'm playing against one I'd rather just get out of this match quickly. So DS is kind of a wasted slot. This is also why people don't bring OTR, Reassurance, etc. These are perks that are strong in certain scenarios, but you don't want to deal with…
  • Lots of mistakes here. First you decided to launch this game, which was at least a questionable decision. Then, you decided to play solo queue: this was a MASSIVE blunder. At that point, you were already completely lost. Then, you could have played a bit better during the match, but honestly that was too late as this point.
  • Your number are accurate, they are just extremely misleading. Your math leads to 47% killer winrate because you count draws as 0 for killer, but 0.5 for survivors, so draws increase the survivor winrate, but not the killer winrate. Of course you are free to define a win as you want (and so am I). Regardless the underlying…
    in Balance Comment by Saiph December 2023
  • This is quite honestly, and I'm sorry to say, a very dishonest attempt to manipulate math. Yes, win rate is not exactly pick rate, depending on how you count draws, but in the context of a balance discussion the difference is just cosmetic and will disappear in the averages. In fact, in your very own example (half 2k, half…
    in Balance Comment by Saiph December 2023
  • Killers have a 60% kill rate, survivors have 40% escape rate. That means, if you as an average person click the "Play as survivor" button, you are reducing your chances of winning by 1.5x. That is not balanced. I'm sure you'll find a lot of reasons to explain why that's fine or you don't mind it, but stop pretending it's…
    in Balance Comment by Saiph December 2023
  • MMR in this game is extremely light, it definitely exists but as soon as you spend more than 1 minute in queue it starts panicking and will send you in the very first lobby it can find. So if you live in a region where you can't find games very fast, you can reset the queue after 30 sec and the games will feel more…
  • It is well known that a player who decides to tunnel will get more kills on average than someone who spreads hooks, so by definition of DBD's MMR (kill + mmr, escape - mmr), then deciding to tunnel artificially inflates MMR and deciding to spread hooks artificially deflates it, yes. The point of this statement, is that…
  • First of all most casual killer players don't tunnel, and they would barely care if DS duration was reverted to 5 sec. As for the ones who do, they wouldn't be matched against sweats in the first place if they weren't tunneling. You're forgetting that this game has MMR. You're saying that beginner killers will get…
  • The level of overreaction from killer OTPs to this thread is honestly embarrassing. If you watch killer streamers, they don't need tunneling to win the vast majority of their games. In fact, most of them explicitly choose to not tunnel, because it's a stupid cheese strat that everyone knows works disproportionately well…
  • So let me summarize, even with your math which accounts for all kinds of arbitrarily conservative assumptions: MFT extends the chase by +2.8 sec Sprint Burst extends it by +7.5 sec Conclusion: Sprint Burst gives 2.8x more effect in chase than MFT You can twist the math as much as you want, 3% is so negligible in terms of…
  • Yes assuming the survivor has no other exhaustion perk at all, which is dumb and unrealistic. If I do the same math, but compare a survivor with MFT vs. a survivor with Sprint Burst (or any exhaustion perk), the result becomes very different: Exhaustion perks give 150% for 3 seconds, ie. a 6 meters head start. Your chase…
  • You should be in awe, you might have just played against Magnus Carlsen.
  • What I'm saying is that these stats are mathematically garbage. It is due to methodology, has nothing to do with the content of the stats themselves. Check the wikipedia article on Simpson's paradox, as it will explain it much better than me. Basically, collecting data and making a chart out of it, even though everyone…
  • Your mistakes went far beyond just not using the chainsaw. You did not attempt anything in this game. Basically you're mindlessly following the survivor and pressing Space instantly every time they drop a pallet, and hoping the game will reward you for your effort. But that's not how Bubba works. The worst part is, you…
  • I think the game is very unbalanced at high level, but it does not matter. See 2) The game should be primarily balanced for average players, but also for top players when possible. Nurse is a good example of that as she was too oppressive when played well or with Starstruck+AA but you'd rarely come across one that actually…