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  • This thread was not made by a comp player tho. It was made by an average player playing against average survivors. In fact, even "average" is questionable, as Yui and Jake were complete babies (downed after 10 sec). Out of the remaining two survivors, one knew how to loop but did some mistakes (the Cheryl) and one was…
  • Yes you could break the pallet at least. Maybe you have 0 chance against comp survivors, but he's not playing against those, just look at the video, Cheryl wasn't even using the window, she tried to vault the pallet. He could mindgame the pallet here. And if we assume comp level of play then it's also fair to assume a comp…
  • Ngl I skimmed through the video and I confused the bus tile, I thought it was the new one with 2 separate buses and no window. I thought the old one was gone, but apparently it can still spawn? Regardless, yes it's a much safer tile with the window but there are things you can try, at the very least he could have broken…
  • You probably forgot that most maps have a few pallets like this: So yeah most maps have way more than 8-10 but that's not saying much since several are too unsafe to be practical or are located in a corner of the map. In fact, based on the list Midwich is supposedly the map with the most pallets (25), And yet ask anybody…
  • You complain about safe pallets, but you broke unsafe pallets mindlessly, like at 3:31 or 4:08. You could have got a hit by mind-gaming or bloodlusting these tiles. At 4:02 Cheryl drops the most unsafe pallet on this map, and you could easily have got a down, but you drop chase for no reason. Why..? At 4:59 you would have…
  • I agree with your point but scratch marks have been very weird for the past year, so hopefully they are reverting them to what they were and not just breaking stuff for the sake of change...
  • Something is wrong yeah. It's like some survivors just don't leave scratch marks for one second. It's very rare but annoying enough to notice, and I have the feeling that it started to happen only 6-9 months ago which makes me think this is a bug. Maybe that's just me but I also have the impression that it happens…
  • Just normal DBD netcode, and don't expect to be fixed, it has only become worse over the years... At least if killer ping was shown in lobby then you could account for it and maybe not attempt such vaults. But we still don't even get this basic information for some reason.
  • DBD is the only game I know where it is considered normal for (killer) players to win 75%+ of their matches. In any other online game, winning ~10 games in high MMR would immediatly put you at the top of the ranked leaderboard, but not in DBD, where a 10-winstreak would probably not get you any attention - in fact most…
  • Yeah like these beginner survs from Team Eternal who took 50 minutes to break a 3-gen against a 800-hour skull merchant, what a bunch of noobs /s
  • You can sort of guess MFT though if you don't see any other exhaustion perk, since all exhaustion perks have very obvious effects except Head-On.
  • I don't really defend one or the other. But to me, they are very similar in nature, and so any argument against one but not the other will lead to contradictions. These 2 perks share the same fundamental concept. They give you a small advantage in chase that is not noticeable until the moment where the other party is…
  • Both have the same effect though? MFT makes the killer miss a hit that was very close, Coup makes them succeed a hit that was very close. I'd much rather have Coup against a survivor with MFT, rather than both of us having no perk. So Coup is stronger than MFT in chase. So, if Coup is fine because survivors aren't going to…
  • If MFT gets revealed to the killer, do you think perks like Hubris, Coup de Grâce, NOED should also reveal to survivor or not? Because the situation is kind of similar, you can't really know the other player has it, until you get screwed by it... I agree it's bad design to have perks like this but it's how it works for…
  • Tbh I wonder the same, and I think the reason is that some people just value their own time very little, if not to say that some are actual sociopaths/sadists. I think it makes sense that people who are disturbed irl would particularly enjoy playing a game that lets be a horror killer. I know it sounds exaggerated, but…
  • I sort of disagree with your list placements. For me "Hard" means that if you put a player with little experience with this killer (say 5 hours), then they would get little value out of their power, and overall perform poorly. In contrast "Easy" would mean that the power gives a lot of value even if you don't master it. By…
  • Nothing, there will always be people who queue for casual, and then play in a very sweaty way. But there are also people who seek a competitive experience, and don't want to be matched against casuals. Like all those streamers going for win-streaks. If these people queued for ranked, it would contribute to make the casual…
    in MMR Comment by Saiph August 2023
  • Yeah many survivors are literal douches. Once, I even got teabagged by the person I gave hatch to. I don't have any explanation, I think some just have such a low IQ that they don't even realize that you played nice. However, most of my survivors are not like this, they behave cute in-game or in chat, sometimes give me…
  • We got it, the game is so hard for killers that you can't even find a screenshot where you lose. thanks for making the thread
  • Claudette is literally faster than the killer at 4:23 and 6:23, and obvious wallhacks at TL walls despite constantly running into stuff -> cheater 100%
  • Thanks for making this topic OP. We understand that the mafia has held you hostage and will shoot if you dare missing a pip in the video game Dead By Daylight. Make sure to play the game 24/7 and gather enough virtual points, the CIA will soon come to your rescue and give a $1,000,000 payment as a reward for your effort.
  • I'd say half of my DBD friends are people who sent me random invites after a game, because we've had a nice interaction together. Like a flashlight save or I gave them hatch as killer, etc. I found it weird at first but then I took the habit of doing it, too. If you find someone who you'd like to play with, just add them…
  • You don't absolutely need comms, the main reason to get a SWF is primarily to avoid the horrible matchmaking, that alone will already improve your survivor games drastically. Getting even one reliable teammate makes a tremendous difference compared to solo, as there are many situations where the game forces you to have 2…
  • Just give a "Give Up" button to survivors, say after 1 minute of being slugged. This also has the benefit of fixing most of the stupid hatch scenarios. I've seen people suggest that for the last SEVEN YEARS, no exaggeration. You can find reddit threads from 2016 pointing out the exact same problem as OP and the exact same…
  • DBD is not the most bugged game I've seen, but I'm impressed how often the updates break stuff. And especially, how often things that break are completely unrelated with the update changelog, like there is someone in the dev team who changes code at random every update. I played Legion yesterday, in one instance I was in…
  • Good. Now add a 150ms ping limit for killer and maybe I will consider attempting vaults again
  • You might have missed an edit I made to the post later so just rewriting it now; Grades like Ash, Silver etc. don't mean anything about your skill. There's no ranked mode anymore, it has been reworked a few years ago so don't make any assumption based on grades, they are basically just representative of playtime. (More…
  • Grades mean nothing about skill. There's no ranked mode anymore, it has been reworked a few years ago and now grades like Ash, Silver etc. are roughly representative of playtime. Regarding the "difficulty" of the game, I'd say 2 things have changed: 1) Players have got better at the game and 2) The player count has…
  • She's become another example of braindead and unfair design, where the things needed to counter her are much more difficult than what the killer needs to do to play her. She can literally spam the teleport button and still win against the majority of players now. The "grab a tape at start" thing works if every single…
  • We've told you multiple times that screenshots prove nothing. Anyway, regarding your claim that "This is high MMR gameplay", let's examine how your killers play. The spirit that you "looped for 1 minute", apparently doesn't know how to pick a survivor at a window: While we're at it, let's also look at the hook stages in…
  • Appreciate the effort, we're getting somewhere. But there are still massive holes in your VODs, so we don't know what happened in between / if you deleted some games. How do we know you didn't just discard the games where you lost? I'll be honest I highly doubt you can get 50% escape rate with the way you're playing, and I…
  • The main problem is that the format is a Best of ONE. Eternal getting a penalty for breaking rules is fair. In a normal tournament, the admin would have given 1 point to the other team as a penalty but the match would continue and this wouldn't cost Eternal the match. But here's there's only one round so the admin has no…
  • Nobody asks you to record 500 games.... but record AT LEAST a few to prove this is not bs. Right now this thread is just bait. 0 evidence of anything you claimed but random screenshots. And what are you claiming even? Seems like you still lost a bunch of matches. Why can't you install OBS and record it? This is your…
  • So, you managed to escape 4 times in a whole evening? That is not impressive at all. You only posted 5 screenshots. what were the results of the other games? I have a hard time believing you only played 5 games in a whole evening, especilaly with a SWF. Since you didn't share them, it could very well be that you lost 10…
  • You still lose all BPs when leaving, and then you have to sit 5 min again in queue. That alone is already a big penalty, and normally enough to have the vast majority of people not DC, at least that's what we see in most other multiplayer games. The fact DBD has such a massive problem with DCs is not a problem of the…
  • How ironical, the same forum crowd who regularly explains us how facecamping/slugging are valid strategies and "Your fun isn't my responsibility", is now also claiming that DC penalties are very important and BHVR must do everything in their power to prevent survivors from dodging their matches. Of course we understand…
  • This is DBD in 2023. What you have shared in your screenshots has not only become a normal part of the game, but it keeps getting worse after each update for some reason. Before you could face a killer with 300ms and the game thought this was a totally normal way for someone to play the game. But now, you can also get…
  • If you think it's that OP then equip Made for this and do it as survivor? I'll challenge you to record ONE clip where you "loop a killer on a rock for 40 sec"
  • I turn her away too. I don't like jumpscares. Initially you could use the trick to prevent the jumpscare completely, but the devs patched this out, which is baffling... there are better ways to spend dev time than to patch this kind of useless bugs, especially when it was the only thing to prevent people from being…
  • Where did you see that SBMM is programmed towards 60% winrate? To my knowledge, the devs have never said that.
  • That's not at all what I meant. I said that you should not play with the goal of seeking revenge. Practicing because you like the game is perfectly fine. But practicing with the hope that you can ultimately be strong enough to beat bullies in DBD, is a super inefficient use of your time. You'd be competing with people…
  • I would really not advise people to "try to get better and eventually you'll be able to deal with this kind of groups". That's very unlikely to be true for most people unless they invest thousands of hours into the game. Ultimately, you'll always end up facing players that are way better than you, and whether these guys…
  • This is not a perk/playstyle issue, this is a matchmaking issue. It seems you went against a good 4-man SWF + map offering while being still fairly new yourself, believe it or not these perks are not meta even on Eyrie, and you would have lost just as hard if they were playing normally. Unfortunately, there's not much you…
  • Can you elaborate what you mean by "hook defense"?
  • Bloodpoints as survivor work in a very funny way. The game rewards you for doing excessively useless things or playing unoptimally like doing gens with 3/4 people, and in contrast gives you little for things that actively contribute to the win. If you're getting tunneled from the start, then you're also guaranteed to be…
  • You literally ignored the official kill rates shared by the devs. Then you ignored streamer gameplay which show the same killrates and ridiculous winstreaks, while it's clear that these streamers struggle much harder to do the same thing as survivor. Then when I proposed to share my own winstreaks on killer you also…
  • Oh so we already went from "try to do a streak as killer" to "try to do a streak without tunneling", for no apparent reason. Tunneling invalidates streaks now? As I said no point even bothering to record since you'll dismiss it for arbitrary reasons.
  • Love it. Everything is so easy with you. Streaming is so easy, just link the VOD bro. Getting a 1000 winstreak is so easy just equip Eruption. You know what I'll stream a 10 winstreak during the week, even though it makes my ######### laptop run at 30 fps. Meanwhile you will stream a 10 escape streak as survivor since…
  • The 60% number also contains hatch which has 1/2 chance of giving an escape to the last survivor for free. You could have your whole team die at 5 gens and get slugged then have the hatch spawn below you still resulting in an escape. So the killrates are artificially lower due to hatch, approximately by 25% / 2 = 12.5%. In…