The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • I too have been playing since January of this year. Some of these complaints are valid, like the lack of information on how perks and status effects work. Most are not. Is playing killer stressful? Yes. You're one person chasing four others across sometimes large maps. You're always thinking ahead, or a should be. Is…
  • Killer Dark devotion - no terror radius for a bit and then obsession carries the TR which confuses the heck out of the survivors Furtive Chase - as the game goes on you get more and more stealthy. It's also confusing as they expect you to be what you were in the beginning with say a 32m TR and now it's 16 and they're…
  • Ace in the hole - guaranteed to get an item with attachment. Sometimes two attachments. Paired with plunderers and your chest openings are like Christmas. Skeleton keys, rainbow map, purple medkits plus charge add ons. I use it to just supply the team as we move about
  • Math and facts showed that no individual killer character had a kill rate less than ~60%. That means more survivors die than don't. That being said, the game tilts towards survivors it's just that most survivors aren't great at it. I'm one of those not great survivors, but I'm rank 4. Still, things are mostly balanced. And…
  • I agree with this guy. Most great killer mains have all the perks available for all the killers. And all the best add ons for the killers. I'm a solid killer but I have very few killers above level 35 which means my perk loadouts and add ons are limited. So games are harder because I can't tailor a build to the killer…
  • Mine started working again yesterday. So far so good.
  • I made progress on achievements just fine until yesterday. Since then? Nothing. So it's something recent. Scrolling the bug reports there are a bunch of others listing achievements that aren't working. Since I had so many fail, I figured it was all achievements.
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